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We also have on the OA wiki the Map compatibility list:
The purpose of this thread is for reporting missing stuff on maps, either sounds or textures, whether they appear on the list or not. The Wiki (and the compatibility list) shall be updated as reports start appearing.
The browse option is current hidden, but you can use this URL (which will not change)
I need to make some changes to the "browse" menu, to make it a lot more flexible and when that happens, this link will be integrated for sure.
I've also edited the original post to include this info, hope thats OK with you Neon_Knight :]
Edited 1.21 hours after the original posting.
@Martinus, we already have 13 gametypes to choose from: 0.8.8 has the ones from Q3A and TA plus Elimination (Clan Arena), CTF Elimination (Clan Arena with flags), Last Man Standing, Double Domination (yep, the one from UT200X), Single Domination (the one from UT99) and OA3 will also add Possession from Q3 Revolution (basically keep the flag for the longest time as possible), remade from scratch.
However, if you'd like to contribute to something OA-related, we have the OpenArena Community Mappack Vol. 2 under development. Just restarted development on it some days ago, with my first contribution to it, to boot!
Edited 9.93 minutes after the original posting.
OpenArena is featured in the browse - - and filter - - options, so it is fairly easy to find the supported maps.
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