Edited 19 seconds after the original posting.
I remember back in 2010 that there were still servers running 1.30. I switched to 1.32 after they all disappeared (there weren't that many anyway). Most people play on servers with mods such as Urban Terror, Instagib, Excessive, or Freeze Tag. This tends to leave the servers with plain Quake 3 empty. Its sad, as I liked the days where I can play a match with people without it being on a mod that I don't enjoy.
Edited 516 days after the original posting.
Who knows, there could still be a small amount of people playing the 1.11 demo. (especially since it's easily available through Steam).. lol. I know SOF2Test and UT2004 demos still had a scene that lasted long.
Edited 2.57 minutes after the original posting.
Edited 5.01 hours after the original posting.
Edited 1 minutes after the original posting.
In the US, Quake 3 is alive, but on a small scale. Most games are popular for only a few years, then die out because there aren't many possibilities revolving around it. Games like Quake 3, Jedi Academy (love that game), and Doom allow for addons and have so much to it that they live on for many years to come. Jedi Academy is a really cool game (uses Q3 engine BTW) because of that, and it allows you to do things like play both SP & MP without the need of human players, you can spawn NPCs etc. Quake 3 seems to go in and out of public interest. ..::LvL had a lot of activity from 1999-2011, then from the time that Frag came here and it was bustling with activity up until a certain point when there seemed like nobody was posting anything.
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