..::Lvl World Connecting With Facebook..?!
Started by FragTastic
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   25 Oct 2012
Since the Re-design and requests forum has been closed, I haven't had the chance to post my idea for a connecting with ..::Lvl. I was thinking of maybe letting Facebook allow users to access ..::Lvl World from Facebook. Important updates and new maps which have been released could be shown on the app and/or the ..::Lvl World page. It would allow all Quakers to have easy access to the site. So what you think guys..?! Good Or Bad..?!
CZghost Rep. 1799
#2   25 Oct 2012
Nice touch... I use the Facebook for my free time and browsing gamer websites actualy exist in that category...

It would be nice to see the FB connection with that websites. But it's exactly question what about FB application making that connection real?

Tig Rep. 2452
#3   25 Oct 2012
There is nothing stopping anyone else from setting up a ..::LvL App or page of any kind. In fact, I welcome it.

There is already an RSS feed, which anyone is welcome to use, located here: lvlworld.com/xml/lvl.xml

If anyone sets up a App of any kind and wants access to certain database query's, let me know and I'll write the code for that and the data could be dumped in json or xml format (or even something more custom if you like).

Just let me know either here or via the contact form.

I... hate... FACEBOOK!!!!
CZghost Rep. 1799
#5   26 Oct 2012
If I was a programmer, then I should let you know, but my programming skillz are much shitty...

And scripting for Facebook? That's exactly music of future :-/
I'm glad I have set up my websites, but make my own PHP application? I think using the WordPress to make perfect portfolio is the best way for having websites...

Hmm, shortcodes are in some species PHP scripts, but these are small and usualy they only write something to the HTML design code. For example you can design your own infobox, warnbox, etc...

I wanted to try Facebook Plugins for my websites, but...
I know, it's an off-topic shit, but take it that way. I just feel the need to tell you about my experiences :)

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#6   26 Oct 2012
@Tig: But don't you think that ..::Lvl World would need to ask permission for there site to be used on Facebook..?!
Tig Rep. 2452
#7   26 Oct 2012
If someone sets up a "fan site" for anything, do they need to ask permission? In most cases, no.

That is how I see it. If someone sets-up a ..::LvL Facebook group / page, it would be a "fan site" to me. You are welcome to do it and if you need anything from me, just ask.

(If it helps) I can give you access to the latest reviews, downloads, votes and comments as a PHP array (you would just use a 'require_once(URL)' call in PHP), or I could give you access to that data in JSON or XML if needed.

Basically, I saying if you do the work, I'll welcome and support it.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#8   26 Oct 2012
@Tig: Hmm Interesting. I'll try to sort something out and let you guys know as soon as possible.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   27 Oct 2012
You know Facebook and Twitter are popular when even your own government starts using it for their own propaganda. (sorry, do not have links)

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