Removed Comments
Locked, Started by Kyall
Kyall Rep. 477
#1   07 Oct 2012
Anyone know what was happening on Rota's map Marilyn? Last I checked, SW12 was reporting people, but now his comments (and other peoples) are removed? I don't know what he was reporting them for, nor am I choosing a side, but I'm just curious as to why the comments were removed?
Tig Rep. 2452
#2   07 Oct 2012
The comments were reported, and the discussion was starting to get too far from anything to do with the map, so some were removed but not all that were reported.

Hope that clears things up.

Kyall Rep. 477
#3   07 Oct 2012
@Tig: Thanks, that's clear to me now :D
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#4   09 Oct 2012
@Tig: Any particular reason why you left some of the off-topic posts instead of deleting them?
Tig Rep. 2452
#5   09 Oct 2012
Because I did not feel they were completely off-topic. I also felt the comments were interesting enough to keep for both the author and the people asking the questions.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#6   13 Oct 2012
@SW12: Ёзиф Виссасиёнович Сталин (Yosiph Vissarionovich Stalin) - You're the communist person? Have you seen the documents about his dictating in Soviet Union?

I know it's off-topic, but I'm a bit suprprised an American person likes soviet leaders and the communism...

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#7   14 Oct 2012
@CZghost: It's this weird thing called "FREE SPEECH". You are apparently clueless about it's existence. Mind telling me why you keep going on about this?

Yeah I am an American. There is no law saying I am not allowed to be unnationalistic or that I can't pursue the ways of communism. Because personally, I have had it with capitalism, the Republican Party, and especially the Pledge of Allegiance.

I like where this thread is going :P...
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   14 Oct 2012
@FistMarine: That problem can easily be solved whenever an off-topic post is created.


CZghost Rep. 1799
#10   15 Oct 2012
@SW12 (refference to post #6): I've just told I'm SURPRISED, not annoyed... But from your avatar I think you just like the Stalin. And from last months I've seen you're changing the avatars much faster and with the soviet theme, only person who's faster with chaging his avatars is FragTastic, but that's it. I respect the Megan Fox picture anywhere, but the picture of Stalin should be in encyclopedy and history book only... Just for historical and study reasons... Have you read anyway about the wines with Nazi symbols and persons? This is exactly the same, just another politic spheres...
CZghost Rep. 1799
#11   15 Oct 2012
@SW12 again: Oh, forgot to say - I don't much deny you in like the soviet, but change the avatar for anything another, maybe still with soviet theme, but not Stalin... And I except you can keep in mind any piece of this...

@Tig: Feel free to remove all comments from #5 and lock the topic, the real topic was already solved...

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#12   15 Oct 2012
@CZghost: And now you think you can tell me what kind of avatar I am allowed to have? I idolize whoever the hell I want. I don't have to listen to you. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me and if you have nothing good to say about/to me, don't say anything at all.

@Tig: Delete comment #5 as well, don't listen to him glorify his own dribble.
Edited 8.17 days after the original posting.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#13   15 Oct 2012
SW12 you sound mad as hell buddy, calm down. He was just curious about your political stance.

BTW, Socialism and a good dose of authoritarian state beats the hell out of liberal-infested capitalism anyday! But you've got to get the right mix - I think China has almost the right idea on how things work best.

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