Recent Map Stealing!
Started by FragTastic
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#1   15 Sep 2012
Hey Guys!

Well I have found out that one of my maps and some other maps made by other authors have been taken and posted on other websites. I actually want to take further action with this since this is Fraudulent and have been taken without permission. Anonymous, the person who has informed us about this inconvenience saw all of the maps which have been taken on a forum called ''Friendcodes''. Now I reckon the thief took our maps for attention and brag that he/she created them.
Edited 1.86 hours after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2422
#2   16 Sep 2012
Personally, I'm jealous! Why didn't they take my maps ... or even just 1 of my maps!

You should be happy that someone has taken the time and effort to steal your stuff. It is kind of flattering really. Out of all the maps on ..::LvL, the thief took one of yours.

Basically, people steal stuff. Look at Map Factory - the guy never asked if he could use the ..::LvL screenshots, never credits where the screenshots come from for a lot of the Quake 3 maps. When I asked him to credit that the screenshots come from ..::LvL, it feel on deaf ears. From a prime example, check "Windsong Keep" on Map Factory (I'm not posting a direct link on purpose).

I can see two things you can do; ignore it or contact the forum Admins and ask for the post to be removed. Lucky for you the thief is not the owner!

fKd Rep. 420
#3   16 Sep 2012
cant say i agree with ya tig, after all the hard work that goes into a level, having some fool pretend like its their own creation is a bit on the nose.

the best part is the descriptions he's written for each map. lots of lols. still, what are ya gonna do...

Tig Rep. 2422
#4   16 Sep 2012
still, what are ya gonna do

That is my main point. There is very little you can do. You could try to dox - - the person, but then what? Call the Police? Get in touch with 4chan people and hope you can talk their language?

No, not very practical. So, that comes back to my original two suggestion: Ignore or contact the site Admin.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#5   16 Sep 2012
We can't really call the police if he lives in another country. Unless one of you are from the United Kingdom.

Maybe someone should alert Quake 3 Forums or something. Make him known to the Q3 Community as a threat.

I need time to think: How do we bust this kid's ass?

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#6   16 Sep 2012
@Tig: Well having my work stolen isn't very flattering but you do have a point.

@fKd: Yeah! He did write a lot but it's all a lie.

@SW12: Call the police..?! Haha! That's just outrageous. Well we could hunt him down and tie him on a chair in a shed and lock him in there and throw the key away :D.

leilei Rep. 443
#7   17 Sep 2012
I hate map thieves also (i've had been stolen before and I don't even map!), however bringing the issue on other Quake3 forums would just be met with apathy and sarcasm.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#8   19 Sep 2012
@leilei: You do have a point there :). There was this map thief on named ''Kaz''. Now I'm not saying our ''Kaziganthe'' took the maps but however with no hesitation, he changed the readme files and the map names also the Authors Name and posted them onto But he got spotted out eventually. Btw My name is Kaz also but I am not the thief if that's what your thinking ;'o.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   20 Sep 2012
The guy who stole the screenshots, apparently ignored the ..::LvL Watermark at the lower, right side of the pics, so I think there will be plenty of people noticing that something isn't right.

@FragTastic: There is another guy at large who does a crappy job at converting maps from other id games into Quake 3 maps: Benjamin Pulido at

themuffinman has commented on almost all of his conversions lol

leilei Rep. 443
#10   20 Sep 2012
ahh, benjamin pulido. That guy even claimed MY work as his own!

btw he's banned at moddb for submitting too many modified doom wads of others' maps with commercial mp3s tacked onto it as padding (some bad song choices for Doom too - like Michael Jackson's Thriller). He also used to constantly upload warez to modDB including full versions of Doom II, Strife, and Jazz Jackrabbit 2.

His map-factory q3 maps are all Q2toQ3A effortless conversion jobs so he still shows his existence as a talentless hack proudly in 2012. His doom map conversions are conversions of Generations Q2 maps I believe.

I'm also slightly appalled by the lack of standards on map-factory to prevent these kinds of direct conversions from ever appearing. ..:: LvL got that sorted out back in early 2000 when Hollenshead made a statement about it and it helped.
Edited 14.43 minutes after the original posting.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#11   20 Sep 2012
But SW12, you're one of Benjamin's biggest fans!
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#12   20 Sep 2012
@themuffinator: XD looks like it.

You obviously aren't though lol. I remember you comment here

The only thing that isn't random about this map is the fact that it is supremely bad.
Haha, he got owned:

"Closing this thread down for plagiarism. All the maps posted here can be found at this site ..::LvL - Quake 3 Arena Maps (Q3A Custom Maps) all with different creators. Which really only leaves me with one plausible outcome. You've taken these as your own to try and impress members here."

He's now a restricted user :D.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   21 Sep 2012
@SW12: Ahh! Benji, The guy who stole some of my old maps as his own. I had a word with him on and claimed that ''Those maps are mine which I created myself. You must be stupid enough to claim MY works as YOUR own!''. I lolled so hard when he said that to me and I actually reported him to Vincent, the site Manager of map-factory.

@leilei: Benji posted like 15 maps at one time which literally showed that he stole the maps. What a troll! :P

@Euronymous: Well he got a taste of his own medicine :D
Edited 30 seconds after the original posting.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#15   21 Sep 2012
@SW12: Looking back I guess I was a tad coarse with him, after all it was one of his few actual original maps. Nah just kidding, the map has hideous written all over it!
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#16   21 Sep 2012
@FragTastic: Really? Where did that argument take place? Mind showing me? Unless of course it no longer exists.

@themuffinator: That quote was actually from a map made by another author: ( His maps may be silly, crappy, and missing textures, but at least he didn't steal anything from anybody.

Edited 699 days after the original posting.

Kyall Rep. 477
#17   21 Sep 2012
@Euronymous: Wow nice, that is good to here. I thought this was going to be something that wouldn't of went too well and that he/she would of gotten away with it, but it seems not :D
themuffinator Rep. 1064
#18   22 Sep 2012
@SW12: Ah that toilet one... I was thinking of another one with some kind of pool and some kind of airstrike thing and it used stock Q2 textures... was terrible. Although that one probably wasn't made by good ol Benji either, but it's just easier to blame Benji as the source of all terrible maps.
leilei Rep. 443
#19   23 Sep 2012
Benji ports other's q2 maps also yeah. His defensive comment about "his" Flash is hilariously ignorant.

Also he made a suggestion of warez in a comment for his bad quake map including a dead megaupload link. Yet unsurprised, I facepalmed.
Edited 1.22 minutes after the original posting.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#20   23 Sep 2012
@SW12: Of course it doesn't exist. After Vincent found out, he deleted all comments and conversations of his. I haven't been on that website for a while but I'm gonna check out if he's still posting the maps that have been stolen.

@themuffinator: LOL! I remember that map. It was called ''Random''. It was such a disappointing map no effort was put into it.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#21   24 Sep 2012
@FragTastic: Ah. Okay. Well, at least Benjamin got what came to him. I'm also proud to see the one responsible for stealing the Quake III maps here also got restricted from the site he was posting on. Happy Birthday!

...but personally, I kind of liked that map called "random". It was a heaping pile of crap, but the hilarity it emitted kept my blood pressure down.

Edited 696 days after the original posting.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#22   25 Sep 2012
@SW12: It's actually on Wednesday but thanks :). Oh not that again. I'm real angry at looking at that thread. Gosh! I wanna kill the guy who took my map ;'o.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#23   25 Sep 2012
Closing this thread down for plagiarism. All the maps posted here can be found at this site ..::LvL - Quake 3 Arena Maps (Q3A Custom Maps) all with different creators. Which really only leaves me with one plausible outcome. You've taken these as your own to try and impress members here.

What does that tell you?

Tig Rep. 2422
#24   25 Sep 2012
@SW12: Look at comment #12 by Euronymous in this thread. I think FragTastic is letting you know, this is old news.
Edited 1.27 hours after the original posting.
FragTastic Rep. 2467
#25   25 Sep 2012
@SW12: That the maps have been stolen to impress members Duh!

@Tig: Ok guys what's going on here..?! Y'all are acting suspicious!
Edited 2.54 hours after the original posting.

Kyall Rep. 477
#26   26 Sep 2012
@FragTastic: How are they acting suspicious?
leilei Rep. 443
#27   26 Sep 2012
Game content thieves like the one at FC and Benji are often naive, strange young folk that usually mooch off computers for limited access who use the limited time to get gratification on the internet for something they didn't do, because they don't take the time to learn on how to produce as they often have psychological issues or low self-esteem issues and just want to use it as an avenue to resolve some relief with a short-term artificial ego.

One time I caught a model thief converting mikumikudance models as his own. Unsuccessfully trying to twist words and backstab me as the perp, the 17-year-old Toronto boy proceeded to make 24 sockpuppet accounts dishing out constant death and rape threats on deviantART user page sections trying to get me exiled from the community for "attracting trolls" (which is just himself, really). yeah.
Edited 2.38 minutes after the original posting.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#28   26 Sep 2012
@leilei: That is really messed up. So did he get caught? I assume he did if you know that but I'm not sure.

@Tig & FragTastic: Sorry, I skipped the conversation that took place before my comment. I have ADD so I may have missed or forgot some details.

Edited 693 days after the original posting.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#29   27 Sep 2012
@leilei: Damn that's just real sad ;'o.

@Kyall: I don't know they just do LOL! :P.

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