Have you seen all screenshots here at lvlworld? All of them are oriented in the same (from any corner of the map, looking to others in a bird perspective and frog perspective)... All of them have lines aligned in the same pattern, even for bird persp or for frog persp...
It's funny, isn't it?
Taking screenshots from corners of the map makes the image look professionally taken don't you think..?!
I do it also for my screenshots, when there's any corner to snap... Have you seen any levelshot right front off the wall? I haven't... Levelshots from a corner are always the best...
Also, you may see this snap:
It's straight shot of the screenshots' thumbnails in the bottom of sites... Check the angle, it's all the same...
Tig Rep. 2452
#4 26 Jul 2012
Here is a non-corner screenshot for you - CONCRATE SPAM by on-X -
lvlworld.com/review.phpI'm pretty sure there are others too :]
Just a few islands...
Check the last thumbnails in bottom of the sites (Undergod and more)... Except of Glucosa all of them have the same pattern of lines alignment (Undegod has that pattern flipped). See the image I have linked above...
If you remove the textures and all details, you'll get the same screenshot...
I don't like take shots in a corner.
It's a way to make professional looking levelshot, you can evenly take screenshot also from another angle than a corner2corner and it still can look professional though...
I prefer taking shots from corners it makes it look nice and also professional. I do sometimes take shots from bird's eye view but apart from that it's corners for me :).
@FragTastic: Where you take the photos to make the avatar? Is it still Megan Fox?
@CZGhost: It's always going to be Megan Fox :). I find avatars on the internet I have loads saved in my folder.
@FT: And are you woman or man? Looks like a woman, females always love these stars as Megan Fox...
@CZGhost: I'm a 17 year old guy :). I loved Megan Fox since the age of 14 which is a really long time ago. I doubt that a woman would put Megan Fox's picture as there avatar, people might think they are lesbian's :P.
That was completely random, but anyway I'd only do corner screenshots for tech map. For Gothic maps I'd make it centered.
@CZGhost: Its amazing how you managed to change the subject from screenshots for this site of maps, to FragTastic's gender O_o
If you want to see screenshots, just go to browse. geez
@SW12: That's what I was thinking the moment he mentioned about my avatar.