AAS File Program Anyone?
Started by gooball
gooball Rep. 1161
#1   25 Jan 2011
Hi, ppl, I was just wondering, what programs do you use to make aas files these days?



cityy Rep. 433
#2   25 Jan 2011
Haven't you already made a thread on q3w about this!?
The tool you want to use is called "bspc". However it doesn't seem like it is running propperly on mac yet so you need to use windows/linux.
Tig Rep. 2422
#3   25 Jan 2011
Two things you need to do Gooball:
  1. Read up about OSX Bootcamp
  2. Select and download a Linux / *BSD distro - or grab a WinXP disk from your local PC shop - and install it on your Mac
Once you have done that you will have no issues.
gooball Rep. 1161
#4   25 Jan 2011
I think I should of told this before but I do have a windows computer, it's an old one, but it works.
But BSPC won't work on it.
And bootcamp, I don't have the installation disc, and I don't have the time or money to get one.

Thank You

Yeah I'm kinda losing mah temper. Sry

Tig Rep. 2422
#5   25 Jan 2011
Boot Camp is included (as it part of the OS, not something you buy) with your MAC if you have OS X v10.5 "Leopard" or v10.6 "Snow Leopard". More details here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot_Camp (under 'Other' -> software) and more here: www.apple.com/support/bootcamp/ and even more as FAQs here: support.apple.com/kb/ht1656

As to the old Windows based PC, it should not matter how old or slow, if it is running XP it will work and should be easy to fix. How about some details as to the problem on the PC? Maybe this is the easiest to get up and running?

And yer, we are trying to help you so I don't understand why you would be losing your temper.

gooball Rep. 1161
#6   26 Jan 2011
It's running 2000.
GuitarMan Rep. 549
#7   26 Jan 2011
By "2000" you mean Windows 2000? Then everything should be working fine... or maybe you should try an older version of GTK Radiant, if the current one doesn't work with older Windows versions.
This is kinda confusing, trying to help you and replying to your questions; on your map's comments you said you're on a Mac, now here you say you're on Windows...
gooball Rep. 1161
#8   26 Jan 2011
Ok, I'm quite frustrated, I FINALLY got WINBSPC to work on ANOTHER windows, (ITS VISTA), but, it has
(1: A Virus
(2: A Trojon
(3: A Worm
(4: It is in TERRIBLE shape.
(5: But I can still work on it with WINBSPC
(6:I could not download WINBSPC directly from the Vista because it has a virus so I:
(1: Downloaded BSPC on my Mac
(2: Copied it and the map to a disc
(3: Copied them to the Win 2000
(4: From there, copied it to a portable harddrive (I couldnt put it on a disc because the disc drive on the Vista busted :P)
(5: Put the harddrive in the Vista
(6: Launched WINBSPC from the harddrive on the Vista
(7: Compiled the map to a AAS file
(8: Copied it on the portable harddrive
(9: Copied the map and the aas to the Win 2000
(10: Copy it to a disc (I cant copy the aas directly from the harddrive to the Mac because the harddrive is windows format)
(11: Copied it to the Mac
(12: Launced Q3, just to find out that the aas file DID NOT WORK >:(
BTW, this is how I make maps:
(1: I make the map on the Win 2000 with GTKradiant 1.4
(2: Compile it
(3: Copy it to the portable harddrive
(4: Copy it to the Mac
(5: Start it up
So, basically, I have 3 computers: Windows 2000, Windows Vista, And Mac OS X.
Yeah, it's confusing.
Edited 25.62 minutes after the original posting.
Tig Rep. 2422
#9   26 Jan 2011
Do not use WINBSPC - that is the first issue. bspc.exe is the official and only thing needed to make a bot file besides a fully compiled, error free map (.bsp) file. Also, if you make a change to the map your bot file will need to be re-compiled.

Next, forget about the Vista PC and making a disk, instead use an external hard drive that has been formated on the Mac using Fat32 or from the PC using Fat32 - do NOT use NTFS. On a PC you may need to use something like Fat32Format - www.softpedia.com/...T32format.shtml - if the external drive is larger than 4GB.

bspc.exe and Fat32Format are both stand alone MS-DOS programs and both should work on Win2000 - but there is a chance they do not - if they do not work let us know. Also, as they are MS-DOS programs you can not just 'click' on them - you need to 'run' them from a DOS box. If you are unsure how to do that either use Google or post something here.

Hang on a sec, you said you make the maps on OSX, then at point 13 above (the one after 12, which you have labeled as 1 again) you say you use Win2000 ?? So which is it that you use? If it is Win 2000 you can skip all the external drive stuff and just focus on getting bspc.exe running correctly. It is a bit hard to help when the facts are changing.

gooball Rep. 1161
#10   26 Jan 2011
Ok, I make the maps on Win2000 with GTKRadiant 1.4.
gooball Rep. 1161
#11   26 Jan 2011
And, I never said I make the maps on the Mac. You must of misunderstood. The facts are not changing, probably communication problems. I hope.
Incognito Rep. 176
#12   28 Jan 2011
Hi....i use a program called...q3build....to create aas file and it also makes a bsp.
The latest version is...GTKbuild_v20_full.
It works with the gtkradiant 1.2.9 version...not sure if it works with the latest gtkradiant 1.5
Good luck.
gooball Rep. 1161
#13   29 Jan 2011
Well, thanks to DaEngineer at Quake3World, I can FINALLY make ass files! Thank you all for your help. I will probably post my latest map in the queue later today, WITH AN AAS FILE!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Tig Rep. 2422
#14   30 Jan 2011
Feel like sharing the solution or posting a link to the thread on Quake3World? It would be good to have the details for others that may read this thread - and I'm curious too :]
PaN61 Rep. 503
#15   30 Jan 2011
The Topic is "q3seg (Smalls Edge) Beta" in the Level Editing and Modeling Forum:


The topic contains information on how to make an .aas file and gooball's map: q3seg (Smalls Edge). Useful for mappers that are starting their mapping adventure and don't know how to add bot support (.aas) in their maps.


Tig Rep. 2422
#16   30 Jan 2011
So let me just get this straight, in point form:
  • Gooball in fact uses Windows XP, not Windows 2000, Vista or even OSX
  • There was no issue at all, just a lack of understanding on Gooballs side as to just how to use bspc.exe - because it is an MS-DOS program
  • Gooball still does not really understand what MS-DOS is, but now that some else wrote a batch script and sent him a link, Gooball is happy.
I'm glad it is all sorted out but I really think a question like 'How the do you create a bot file for Q3A' could have been answered with a 'read the Q3Radiant Editor Manual' which is installed on your PC when you install the editor. There is an entire section dedicated to bots called 'Appendix C: Bot Navigation Files'. It may be a good idea to read this anyway.
gooball Rep. 1161
#17   31 Jan 2011
I use WINDOWS 2000 and MAC OS X.
Tig Rep. 2422
#18   31 Jan 2011
How come in the screen shots posted on Quake3World you have a Windows XP desktop and DOS box? It even says 'Windows XP' in the DOS window where you are trying to run the bspc.exe commands.

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