A Fear Of Stone
A Fear Of Stone by flyingmonk

An inconsistent first offering from the author. Its a beautiful, well done Egyptian map enclosed within a large, ugly box map. There is some great texturing indoors, helped along by the Egyptian textures of Sock. But head outside and you will be wanting to shield your eyes. Lighting is odd on occasion. Layout is interesting indoors but again not so good once you venture out. Some fairly pointless pools of water and long distances between items are all that is on offer outdoors. Rail gunners will like it. Bots don't even get the RG most of the time. Powerups are actually placed fairly thoughtfully which creates some game flow.

Inconsistent, but I'd say to check it out.

Review by Octovus

Ranked: 1.9 out of 5 (5 votes)

Download: A Fear Of Stone by flyingmonk
