Stronghold Opposition for Q3A
Stronghold Opposition for Q3A by Remco 'SithLord' Mooijweer

Title : Stronghold Opposition for Q3A
Date : April 12th 2001
Version : 2.0
Filename : q3strongholdv2.bsp
Author : Remco 'SithLord' Mooijweer
Email Address : **email removed**
WebSite : **invalid URL** (Engines of Creation)
Description : CTF map based on Quake 2 CTF's Stronghold Opposition.
Mods required : Quake III Team Arena
Additional Credits to : - id software for Quake III Arena & Quake III Team Arena
- Kiltron for his texturepacks
(**invalid URL**);
- Evil Lair for the cratetextures
(**invalid URL**);
- Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch for the original mapdesign;
- Eraser, Lynx, Mr SDI, Menno de Benno, Nerdshuntress,
r3tina, Unrevocable History and WayWard for
playtesting and design tips.


* Changes made from the PureCTF-version to version 2.0 *
- Changed some screenshots on the cam-monitor;
- Changed PureCTF-logos to EoC-logos;
- Changed the hidden PMQC-banners to EoC-banners (try and find them :-);
- Fixed some z-fighting behind some lighttubes and around the quad
- Moved some ammo-boxes in the liftrooms closer to the walls.

* Changes made from the original to the PureCTF version *
(this version is only available in the PureCTF mappack)
- Removed the Battle Suits for more balanced gameplay (no more onstoppable
tanks coming into the base);
- Improved the bot navigation a little (most of the time they still take
the shortest route);
- Added two spawnpoints for both teams in the enemy bases, for faster
- Changed the crate textures; (the original textures were from Quake II and
id software isn't too fond of people using textures from other games)
- Fixed some misaligned textures;
- Added a trim to the sewerpipe rooms with matching base color;
- Changed the pr0nMaster Quake Clanlogo with a PureCTF logo.


- Play Information -

Gametype(s) : CTF
Players : 6 - 10 (3 vs 3, 4 vs 4, 5 vs 5)
Bots : Yes
Weapons : All except Lightning Gun, BFG;
Powerups : Quaddamage, Medkit(2)


- Construction -

Base : based on q2ctf2.bsp, but build from scratch.
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant 1.97, Q3Radiant 2.02, GTKRadiant 1.1-TA-Beta
Additional Tools : Q3Build, GTKBuild, Paint Shop Pro and EditPad.
Known Bugs : Fans + Sewerpipes visible through sky outside,
if you know how to fix this contact me please.
Build Time : Original -> 4 months on and off,
but 3 weeks effectively.
PureCTF-version -> 2 months on and off,
but 3 days effectively.
Version 2.0 -> 3 days (1 effective)
Textures used : Base Texture set,
Crate textures from Evil's TexturePack II
and Kiltron's Texture Pack II.

Compile machine : PIII Cu 733 MHz with 256 MB SDRAM, TNT2 32MB, running
Windows 98SE

Brushcount : 4317
Entitycount : 621
q3map BSP Time : 23 secs
q3map Vis Time : 10 secs
TraceGrid : 95 x 61 x 7 = 40565 Grid points
Lightpoints : 242
q3map Light(-extra)Time : 67 mins 59 secs
bspc Time : 5 mins 50 secs
