..::LvL & PlanetQuake Pack 2: The Top Peg

Title : GrindMill
BSP Name : alkdm06.bsp
Author : Shaun Ross aka [Kona]
Release Date : December 2000
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : Ethereal Hell: SP Map Reviews
**invalid URL**

Map Description : A dirty industrial factory with thick steel supports around the small brick village highlighted with gothic lights. Each of the rooms intersect into a central main arena under a blue night sky. Three levels make up the map, which makes for a great dueling level or a fun 3 player FFA.

Other Info :
Please email me if you liked this level.

After The Devil Deranged I was a little disappointed in that level. The gameplay and connectivity just wasn't good enough. It was too cramped and slightly too big for 1v1. So when it reached beta stage I started making this new level, and for the first time with deathmatch, actually plotted a layout. This time the layout is much better, and is very fun for 1v1.

Other maps by Author :
Single Player:
Jun 00 - Egyptian Myth (Q1SP)
Apr 00 - Mel Soaring 5: Ancient Rigby (Q2SP)
Feb 00 - Mel Soaring 4: The Savage Sanguine (Q1SP)
Dec 99 - Mel Soaring 3: Tomb of the Makron God (Q2SP)
Oct 99 - Mel Soaring 2: Star Rancor (HLSP)
Sep 99 - Mel Soaring 1: Hear Me Roar (Q2SP)
Mid 98 - The Alkado Adventure (Q1SP PC)

Dec 00 - Sinda Legend (Q3DM)
Sep 00 - Until The End Of Time (Q3DM)
Oct 00 - Devonaire (Q3DM)
Dec 00 - GrindMill (Q3DM)
Jul 00 - The Devil Deranged (Q3DM)
May 00 - Evergem (Q1DM)
Apr 00 - Tusk and Bone (Q3DM)
Feb 00 - Ravages of Sanguine (Q1DM)
Dec 99 - On A Dreary Night (Q2DM)

Additional Thanks to : The Stand Q2 mission pack for textures
Kevin 'Rorshach' Johnstone (**invalid URL**) for his Jackboot textures
Speedy, Defrag, Hobbes, Nitin and the testers at LVL all for suggestions

* Installation *

To install, simply unzip and place alkdm06.pk3 in your baseq3 directory wherever you installed Quake3: Arena. The map should now be accessible via the Multiplayer or Skirmish menu or by typing "\map alkdm06" at the console without the quotes.

* Play Information *

Deathmatch : 2-4
Player Base : Tourney, Free-For-All
Bot File (aas) : Yes

* MAP Information *

Total Brushes : 944
Total Entities : 109
Net Brush Count : 831
New Textures : Yes
New Enemies/Sounds : No
New Weapons/Quakec : No

* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Construction Time : A week or 2.
Compile Time : 5hrs, 41min
Machine : P3 450mhz, 128mb RAM, Riva TNT2
Editor used : Q3Radiant

* Copyright / Permissions *

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
PC/Game Mag cover-CD, etc) but you MUST inform me before you do this.
Title : Disinformation
BSP Name : Bal3dm3.bsp
Author : Benoit "Bal" Stordeur
Release Date : November 23, 2000
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena DM
File size : 3.7 Mb

Description : Not much to say on this map, took me quite a while to finally decide to release it...
Some kind of space station built around an asteroid, dont ask me why theres gravity
cause i have no friggin idea =) The map is rather dark, and for those of u
who play with very bright settings, the trims may seem a bit pinkish, kinda sucks

Additional Thanks to : Robert duffy, for Q3radiant, kick ass editor
ID for quake1, and for a pretty 3d engin...
The cool people in #terrafusion
Nehahra team, for kickin major ass
Pete Parisi (**invalid URL**) for all the cool textures
Oak (**invalid URL**) for making me that cool satellite dish model!

Beta testing : Friction, Vondur, Yogi, Alcatraz, Zippie, Auhsan, Deathmonger, Nanospawn
and feedback Frib, Cybear, and anyone else ive forgotten
(yeah, thats right Grindspire, even tho u gave me feedback i didnt put ur name in
cause u sux0r, HAHAHAHAHAH SUCK ON THAT!!;)
Thanks guys!

Other stuff : Dont hesitate to send me feedback! and please tell me if u review it or
put it on a server...

Previous work : [Q1] Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook
[Q1] Baldm2 - In The Vault
[Q1] Baldm3 - Tainted Meat
[Q1] Baldm4 - Eternal Life
[Q1] Baldm5 - When the Beast Prevails
[Q1] Baldm6 - Scrap Metal
[Q1] Baldm7 - Black Feathered Wings
[Q1] Reinc5 - Somewhere in the Vast
[Q3] Bal3dm1 - Ash Rain
[Q3] Bal3dm2 - Golconda
[Q1] Baldm8 - Dying Embers


* MAP Information *

New Textures : I think theres only textures from meatpak... I modified 1 or 2 shaders tho...
New sounds : nope

* Construction *

Base : from scratch
Construction Time : Around 2 week
Build programs : q3map
Build Time : to long
Compile machine : P2 400mhz, 128mg RAM
Editor used : q3radiant!
Other programs : psp5, q3build, curry...
Known Bugs : Its a q3 map

* Copyright / Permissions *

All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)
Title : Scrap Metal ][
BSP Name : Bal3dm4.bsp
Author : Benoit "Bal" Stordeur
Release Date : April 4, 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena DM
File size : 3.8Mb

Description : This is a conversion of my q1 map baldm6 - scrap metal...
Its a large atrium map, lots of interconnections...
r_speeds are higher then they should be

Additional Thanks to : Robert duffy, for Q3radiant, kick ass editor
Lunaran for the texture set
(**invalid URL**)
Death2Uall of The Sound Factory for ambient sounds
ID for quake1, and for a pretty 3d engin...
All the great mappers that made me wanna start mapping
(GeN, Headshot, Ztn, Frib, Peej...)
The cool people in #terrafusion and on Qmap
Nehahra team, for kickin major ass

Beta testing : Alcatraz, Lunaran, Than, Ninja, Nunuk, Grindspire, Friction, Yogi
Auhsan, Dmo, Nanospawn, Vondur, Abbo, Chaos and all the people at the Burial Grounds
who gave feedback (**invalid URL**)
Anyone else I may have forgotten (sorry, I always forget people, my beta
testing times are to fucking long)

Other stuff : Dont hesitate to send me feedback! and please tell me if u review it or
put it on a server...

Previous work : [Q1dm] Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook
[Q1dm] Baldm2 - In The Vault
[Q1dm] Baldm3 - Tainted Meat
[Q1dm] Baldm4 - Eternal Life
[Q1dm] Baldm5 - When the Beast Prevails
[Q1dm] Baldm6 - Scrap Metal
[Q1dm] Baldm7 - Black Feathered Wings
[Q1dm] Baldm8 - Dying Embers
[Q1dm] Reinc5 - Somwhere in the Vast
[Q1sp] Neh2m5 - Dreams Made Flesh
[Q1sp] Neh2m6 - Your Last Cup of Sorrow
[Q3A] Bal3dm1 - Ash Rain
[Q3A] Bal3dm2 - Golconda
[Q3A] Bal3dm3 - Disinformation


* MAP Information *

New Textures : Yep, 100% lunbase textures as far as i know!
New sounds : yup, some cool ambient sounds from the sound factory

* Construction *

Base : from scratch
Construction Time : Around 2 week + 6-7 months of idling
Build programs : guess
Compile Time : around 1hour
Compile machine : P2 400mhz, 256mb RAM
Editor used : q3radiant
Other programs : psp6, ps6, q3build...
Known Bugs : maybe...

* Copyright / Permissions *

All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)
released: January 3rd, 2000
Re-Released 23/October 2000.
Title : Wicked
Filename : cpm1a.bsp/Q3JDM8B.bsp
Authors : FxR|jude and Decker.
Email Address : **email removed**, and **email removed**
Description : q3 duel map
URL(s) : **invalid URL**
: **invalid URL**

- Play Information -

Settings : bleh
Deathmatch 2-8 : not really - although 7 or 8 dm starts
Duel : Designed for duel. Plays OK in FFA too.

- Construction -

Design Time : Several weeks. Originally a q2 ffa map, converted to q3 duel map over several days.
: Additional time - Decker spent another week or so retexturing the map. Also additional items/spawn changes.

Settings :qbsp3 - 2 seconds
(original q3jdm8a) :qvis3 - 3 seconds
(on a p2-450/160mb) :qrad3 -extra - 20 seconds

Editor used : Quark, Q3Radiant
Compile Utilities : q3map by id
Known Bugs : none
Additional Credits : [BH]Python, FxR|Mode2, FxR|scoob, FxR|Quarrel for extensive playtesting.
: Decker for the awesome job in retexturing he did.
: Yves Allaire aka [evil lair] for his great textures @ **invalid URL**
- Instructions -

Place .pk3 file into baseq3 directory.

- Copyrights/Permissions -

This map design (q3jdm8/cpm1) is copyright 2000 by FxR|jude - **email removed**.

This map MAY NOT be used as a base for other levels.

This map MAY be distributed on bbs sites or the
WWW, as long as this text file is included, intact.

This map MAY NOT be distributed on CD or floppy
unless you have the author's permission.

TITLE : Aerowalk
FILENAME : hub3aeroq3.zip
AUTHOR : The Preacher (this conversion by the Hubster)
DATE : April 5 2001
TYPE : Tourney
EMAIL ADDRESS : **email removed**
WEBSITE URL : **invalid URL**
ZIPFILE CONTENTS : hub3aeroq3.pk3, hub3aeroq3.txt
Aerowalk was originally made by the Preacher, for Quake. A Quake II version was
released, by which time, Aerowalk had become a very popular duel level. Full
credits for design and ownership go to Preacher. Well done for making one of the
best custom levels of all time!

I have seen some versions of Aerowalk for Quake III Arena by others, however, I
didn't find that they did the map justice. Scaling is the biggest problem I
found with other versions, and so I set about setting my own solution to this.

This version by myself is probably a "tighter" version than other Q3 ones. I did
this deliberately to speed up gameplay. Some items have been replaced with
stronger ones to aid in balancing out the weight of the railgun and red armour.

I have made this version with the features of the LATEST Challenge Promode Arena
mod in mind. Obtain the LATEST version from **invalid URL**

I HIGHLY suggest using \callvote armorsystem 3!!!

Please note that this map takes advantage of the new Jacket Armour present in
the LATEST VERSION of Challenge Promode Arena.

DEATHMATCH : 6 Player Respawn Points
TEAM DEATHMATCH : I think so, tell me what it's like?
NEW MODELS : Yes... sort of anyway:-)

MAP BASE : Conversion of the original Aerowalk.
: Rebuilt from scratch.
PREFABS USED : My own (for the Square Cylinder Arches)
EDITOR(S) USED : Q3radiant 202B3, GTK Radiant 1.1 TA Beta
OTHER UTILITIES USED : Photoshop, Editpad, Qase
COMPILE MACHINE : P3 600eMhz, 256MB RAM, GeForce DDR
BSP TIME : Approx 20 seconds
VIS TIME : Approx 4 minutes
LIGHT TIME : Approx 10 minutes

PREACHER: for building a map like this. It's a true piece of genious.

BANJO : for all his help. Item placements. Once again we have forged our
: strengths to deliver what we feel is another solid release.

CHWD : for making the BEST mod on the planet! Go CPMA!!!!!!!

This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my written permission.

Quake III Arena (C) 1999 id Software. All rights reserved.
The Preacher (C). All rights reserved.
TITLE : Dismemberment
FILENAME : hub3dm1.zip
AUTHOR : The Hubster
DATE : Feb 10 2001
TYPE : Tourney
EMAIL ADDRESS : **email removed**
WEBSITE URL : **invalid URL**
ZIPFILE CONTENTS : hub3dm1.pk3, hub3dm1.txt
Designed for duel play in the Challenge Promode mod. Plays fine with normal
Quake III Arena. Theme inspired by the Team Arena map "Scornforge". Textures
were NOT taken from Team Arena, they were created by myself. Metal techfloor
shader originally by id Software, modified by myself. Bouncepad textures
originally by Id Software, modified by myself.
DEATHMATCH : 6 Player Respawn Points
TEAM DEATHMATCH : Try it out, and tell me if it's fun?

MAP BASE : New Map
PREFABS USED : My own (for the Square Cylinder Arches)
EDITOR(S) USED : Q3radiant 202B3, GTK Radiant 1.1 TA Beta
OTHER UTILITIES USED : Photoshop, Editpad, Qase
COMPILE MACHINE : P3 600eMhz, 256MB RAM, GeForce DDR
BSP TIME : Approx 20 seconds
VIS TIME : Approx 4 minutes
LIGHT TIME : Approx 10 minutes

BANJO : for all his help. He was largely responsible for the layout, spawn and
item placements. This is as much his map as it is mine.
XFOO : Also had major input into the layout and item placements. Thankyou for
your expertise:-)
SHOVEL : Helped with performance optimisations. Thanks for teaching me some new
things buddy!
WASP : for keeping me going all this time. He knows more than anyone how long
it took for me to get this level done. Thanks for your support!
ID : for making a map like Scornforge - it's a fantastic piece of work!

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT

This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my written permission.

Quake III Arena (C) 1999 id Software. All rights reserved.
Quake III Team Arena (C) 2000 id Software. All rights reserved.

Title : H2SO4
PK3 Name : KtSdm3.pk3
Author : Ben "Krash" Ackland
Release Date : 17th March, 2001
Game : Quake 3: Arena
Type : Deathmatch
File Size : 4.56 Mb
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Pevious Work : Q3:A DM (available at **invalid URL**)
KtSdm1.zip - Cuts Both Ways
KtSdm2.zip - Asimetryk
Q1 QRALLY (available on cdrom.com)
blm.zip - Blue Lake Mountain
sub-aqua.zip - Sub-Aqua

Special Thanks : Evil Lair and Moji, who both made me some textures when I asked nicely.
They turned out brilliantly. Thanks a lot guys.

Thanks to : Evil Lair for his enormous texturing talent, and allowing me to
modify his work.
Than for his industrial texture set.
Moji for helping me with the textures.
Imois for his kickass shader work on smoke effects.
Cyber for the re-positioned skeletons.
Death2Uall for his Industrial sound pack.
Friction and his map - "Iron Yard". Gave me the inspiration to map again
Everyone who gave genuine constructive criticism. (listed below)
Paul Jaquays, for nitpicking, and for frequenting the discussion board.
Talk about community support.
All the crew at the Quake3World Level Editing Forum.
Anyone who recognises this .txt file structure - I probably copied yours

Beta Testers : LegionXS, Keditok, Moji, PfhorSlayer, GrimReaper, Semirage,
(no particular Neo Cerberus, pjw, Death2Uall, tlg|BulleT, Paul Jaquays
order )


H2SO4 - Dihydrogen sulfate. A very powerful oxidising agent, forming the highly corrosive sulfuric acid when dissolved in water.

H2SO4 - The codename of a secret military installation used for biochemical research. The lab technicians at H2SO4 were hard at work on a genetically-selective neurotoxin, and had made many advances with the chemical. One fateful day, a software malfunction caused the computer system to bring the base form of the toxin out of storage. No-one was prepared for the release, and the container was dropped by the computer. It shattered on the floor, and released the highly toxic gas. The safety net kicked in instantly, and sealed all exits to laboratory - with the technicians still inside. The screaming and scratching on the main door was ignored - with difficulty - by those guarding the complex, until eventually the noises ceased. The government covered up the incident, denying even the existence of the laboratory, and no-one ever found out about the fate of those in H2SO4. Seeing a wonderful opportunity for a new arena, the Vadrigar known as Krash replicated the inside of the facility, removing the toxin, as well as most of the lab equipment cluttering the area.

Game Style : Free-For-All, Team Deathmatch (bots play team dm very well)
Number Of Players : 6 - 8 FFA, or Teams of 2 - 4.
Default Bots : Anarki, Doom, Hunter, Patriot, Major, Uriel
Item list : Deathmatch Start - 11
Green Health - 7
Yellow Health - 4
Orange Health - 2
Armour Shard - 16
Yellow Armour - 1
Shotgun - 3
Grenade Launcher - 2
Rocket Launcher - 1
Lightning Gun - 1
Plasma Gun - 1
Railgun - 1
Bullets - 5
Shells - 3
Grenades - 3
Rockets - 3
Lightning - 2
Cells - 3
Slugs - 2
Enviroment Suit - 1

Base : New level from scratch - inspired by Friction's "Iron Yard".
Texture Scheme : Mix of Evil's Texture Set 1 - 4, Than's Industrial Set, custom textures
by Moji, and my own. See KtSdm3-textures.txt for more details.
Colour Scheme : Green and Brown - how imaginitive.
New Shaders : Yes, all written by me, with the exception of the smoke shaders, written
by Imois, and modified by me. The spark shaders were generated by
Particle Studio, and then modified.
New Sounds : Yes, courtesy of Death2Uall, some modifications by myself.
Construction Time : A while. Began in Oct 2000.
Prefabs Used : None.
Average R_Speeds : about 7-8k (entities, no players)
Worst R_Speeds : 10500 (entities, no players), viewing from a shotgun - you can see clear
across the diagonal of the level. That may seem like bad planning, but
it opens the level up alot. Plus, you don't spend much time there.
Total Brushes : 2609
Total Entities : 138
Point Lights : 0
Editors Used : QERadiant 181, 202
Other Programs : Adobe Photoshop 4.0, Paintshop Pro 5.0, Particle Studio, EditPad
Known Issues : Due to the fog, the map is very fill-rate dependant. Try KtSdm3-nofog if
you have poor performance. Other than that, none. Not even any compiler

Q3MAP BSP Time : 12 seconds
Q3MAP VIS Time : 394 seconds
Q3MAP Light Time : 762 seconds
Extra Lighting : Yes.
BSP2AAS Time : 96 seconds
AAS Optimized : Yes.

Total Compile Time: 21 minutes, 4 seconds
Compile Computer : Athlon 1100Mhz, 256Mb RAM


Authors MAY NOT decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
Authors MAY use the included custom textures & shaders, or modifications thereof, provided
they give note of such in an attached readme. It would be preferable if you read the accompanying KtSdm3-textures.txt to be sure you credit and notify the right author. Also be sure to use directories and filenames different than those in KtSdm3.pk3, or else you run the risk of having both maps excluded from pure servers.
You MAY distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any electronic means, provided
you leave the contents unaltered and include this text file and the accompanying KtSdm3-textures.txt, also unaltered. This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.

* Krash the System *
..::LvL/PlanetQuake Map Pack #2 - The Top Peg

i, what to do
ii, single play support
iii, authors and maps
iv, running a server
v, who did this?
vi, some info
vii, thanx, credits
viii, copyright info

----what to do-------------------------------------------------

Extract the contents of lvl-pq-pack2.zip to your Quake III Arena
baseq3 folder. What you have extracted is a bunch of pk3 files,
some readme files, a few cfg's and a zip file called

To play against bots or on a LAN, start a multiplayer game as
per normal. In "Skirmish" mode, some levels will only appear in
the "Tourney" menu, others only in "Free For All".

If you wish to play the maps as a Single Player Mission see
below for more info.

----single play support----------------------------------------

A Single Player, 2 Tier Mission has been included in the

You will need to extract the contents of this zip to your main
Quake III Arena location WITH directories.

If you want to "record" your stats and progress through the 2
tiers, you need to start the game with:

+set fs_game lvl-pq-pack2

For Windows users, you can use the included "lvl-pq-pack2.bat"
(for standard Quake3) or "lvl-pq2-ioquake3.x86.bat" for
IOQuake3 users.

Mac and Linux users will need work out how to do this.

While you can use the Quake III menu system to select the mod
and start the single player mission, your "stats" and tier
progress is NOT recorded this way.

Bot play is not great on all the maps, but its better than
nothing :)

----authors and maps-------------------------------------------

* peccary of destiny by unitool (unitooldm4)
* Scrap Metal ][ by Bal by nunuk (Bal3dm4)
* Aerowalk by the Hubster (hub3aeroq3)
* Dismemberment by The Hubster (hub3dm1)
* H2SO4 by Krash (KtSdm3)
* Vertigo by Sai-KO (saiko_tourney1a)
* Gothic Rage by Quaker-X (qxtourney1)
* Tribute to n1*dK by DruZli (cpm11)
* Wicked (cpm1a) by FxR|jude and Decker (cpm1a)
* GrindMill by [Kona] (alkdm06)
* Disinformation by Bal (bal3dm3)
* Reloaded by Yogi (yog3dm2)

----running a server-------------------------------------------

Also included are two map cycle files for server admins. The
first is for a standard server (lvl-pq-2.cfg). The second is
for OSP servers (lvl-pq-2-osp.cfg);

If you currently run a server you will know what to do with
these. If you are new to it all, start your server and type the
following at the console (for standard Q3A);

\exec lvl-pq-2.cfg

If you are running OSP then I'm assuming you will know how to
use the lvl-pq-2-osp.cfg file.

This will start the map cycle and set the timelimit at 15
minutes with a fraglimit of 50. After a lot of play testing
I've found this to be a very comfortable set-up for a LAN or
an online server.

----who did this?----------------------------------------------

This ..::LvL/PlanetQuake pack was put together by Tigger-oN,
Mandog, HellChick and Pappy-R with full permission given by the
level authors. For more info check out;
- ..::LvL - lvlworld.com/
- PlanetQuake - **invalid URL**

----thanx, credits---------------------------------------------

Big fat thanx with a huge cherry on top goes out to all the
mappers who have work in this pack.

----copyright info---------------------------------------------

Copyright is held by the level authors individually. Consult
their <mapname>.txt for more information.

This package as a whole (lvl-pq-pack2.zip) may only be distributed
by means of electronic transfer, free of any charge to the
recipient, and may not be modified in any way. All the files
included in the original package must remain intact and

This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, nor be
used on a commercial multi-player server without the prior,
explicit written consent from all the level authors involved.

Free-to-use game servers are welcome to use the levels included,
in fact we encourage it :]

Welcome to the Challenge Pro Mode maps!

The CPM maps are maps that have been chosen because of their above-average gameplay in a
competitive sense. They have also been chosen for their compability with CPM settings.

If you have a suggestion for a future CPM map that fulfills these requirements you can
either send an email to **email removed** or post a comment on the Challenge
Pro Mode Forum at

Place these maps in your baseq3 folder, so you may use them with all mods, you find
Challenge Pro Mode and the complete map packs at playmorepromode.com/

-- CPM11
-- Map title: Tribute to n1*dK
-- Author: Druzli (Iceland) and xfoo (USA)
-- Author contact: **email removed**
-- Author homepage: **invalid URL**
-- Gametypes: 1on1, 2on2
-- BSPname cpm11

-- Why did we choose this map?

Druzli first came to our attention when he released "Up Close and Personal", a really
good and action-packed map, but with this map he has surely proved what his cooperation
with xfoo can spawn. This map has great strategical qualities and still is very fast
thanks to intelligent teleporter locations and item placement. This map was planned to
be used in a cash-prize tournament in Poland almost before it was finished, so load it
up and find out why!

-- Words from the author

I made this map because I thought a medium/big map was needed for cpm.
I took some ideas from q1dm4 and mixed them with my own ideas to make a map that's
hopefully fun to play. Tricks and map knowledge are important to master this map
and players are required to think alot playing it. Items are set up in such a way
that players have to move around all the map to stay stocked with ammo/armor/health.
xfoo helped me with creating a good flow and he also did the item placement. I did
my best at texturing and detailing and tried to create a warm world inside this

Thank u all u know who u are:)

Give it a good run and enjoy yourselves,


Mapname : Gothic Rage
Filename : qxtourney1.bsp
Suggested player load : 2-4
Weapons : All of them except the BFG and Plasma Gun

Supported gametypes : FFA & Tournament

Release date : January 24, 2001

Author : Ryan "Quaker-X" Rutherford
Email : **email removed**
Other maps by me : Lots o' Frags (qxdm1)
Broken Silence (qxdm2)

Compile machine : P3 866, 256 MB

Compile Time : Um...who cares?

Build time : Little more than 1 week

Editor used : Q3Radiant

Some words : Well this is my 3rd Quake 3 Arena map so far, my first 1v1 tourney-type map also. This map will
may also be featured in the awesome Madness! mod for Quake 3, although it will have some new areas
and the Madness! weapons and powerups included. Go to **invalid URL** to look at screens of Madness!
and a download is also available. Hope you like this map i have made, i worked hard on this one and it has also taken
the least amount of time to complete. I have been away from mapping for a while, and decided to start this map, and
I think it turned out great. Enjoy.

Installation : Extract the contents of this zip file to x:\your_quake3_path\baseq3\
Start Quake 3 Arena and select the map from the multiplayer menu or type \map qxtourney1 in the console
and throw in some bots to start fraggin' and kickin' butt and stuff.

Thanx to : My Dad (Thrasher), My Cuz (Quaker-Z), KoRn_FLaKes_, Creed, The IntelliBot Team (good prog),
Id Software for the game, and a couple others...sorry if I forgot you.

Legal notes : Copyright (c) 2001 Ryan Rutherford (aka Quaker-X)
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
---------------========== THIS IS AN UPDATED VERSION OF SAIKO_TOURNEY1 ==========--------------

date: 29 of May 2001
Quake3Arena Tourney/DM level.

title: Vertigo
file: saiko_tourney1a.pk3
author: Sai-KO
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
description: Tourney map, good for
1on1's, DM up to 4 pp

Play information

tourney: 1on1
deathmatch: Small DM (up to 4 ppl)
CTF: no
Bot File (aas): yes
custom textures: yes
custom shaders: yes
custom sounds: no
custom music: no

how to play place saiko_tourney1.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena

Author's comments:

UPDATE: This is a NEW version of saiko-tourney1. I've squashed some overlapping planes-bugs(thanks guys) and made some adjustments to
jumppads (bigger and look nicer). There is also a new area for the 100Health and the opening in the floor near the jumppad between the
RaiGun and RocketLauncher is now larger(a tip from someone....well you know who you are)

my first level that I'm releasing (have lots of unfinished stuff that I made while trying to figure out how Q3Radiant works).
My inspiration was Q3Tourney4 (one of my favourites). This is a base/future style map with 4 stories which makes it a very vertical tourney level.
Gameplay has been the point of my attention here, so I've tried to keep the map playable.
I tested it on several video systems ranging from TNT2M64 to Geforce DDR and the framerate was quite acceptable.
Anyhow, I think the gameplay is what it's all about here, there are also some fun some custom shader textures,
so enjoy it and drop me a line for any comment....

If you want to see more of my work, please visit my site at **invalid URL**


base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 202 by Id Software
vis method: FullVis (light -extra)

know bugs: none known
build time: about 3 weeks of spare time

thanx to ...

To my good buddy $p@cE, who helped with item-placement, layout, beta-testing and debugging. Also to InZaner for beta-testing and driving me home :-)...
Also thanx to Immortal for helping me out with a couple of things.....Last but by no means least: id Software for making such a great game and such an
amazing engine!

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2000 Sai-KO **email removed**
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


Title : peccary of destiny
Filename : tba
Author : unitool
E-mail : **email removed**
Description : Quake III: Arena deathmatch level

* Description *
Thanks to Pete Parisi and kiltron for their excellent custom textures.

I've converted my arena from the first m3a multi-arena into this little FFA/1v1/2v2 map. I was worried that the map would be too small, but it seems to have turned out ok.

The look of the map has changed a bit from the RA3 version, as has the layout, but it's still very similar, and still quite small. Not knowing where the other players are should be a rare occurrence.

Configured for 4 players in FFA, things can get a little wild. I've included two clips of each kind of ammo, except for the railgun, which has one clip.

* Credits *

Textures from Kiltron (**invalid URL**):

tool_chip_metal_supp1.jpg (recolored)
tool_kilt_mtlsupport_top.jpg (recolored)

Textures from Pete Parisi's Meatpak (**invalid URL**)


Thanks :
Q3W Level Editing Forum for being a great place to get info and ideas. Thanks to everyone there
who helped me out with the beta testing.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Copyright (2001) by Jeff Zaring. All rights reserved.

This package may only be distributed by means of electronic transfer,
free of any charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way.
All the files included in the original package must remain intact and

This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, nor be
used on a commercial multi-player server without the prior,
explicit written consent of Jeff Zaring. If you do so, I will find you
and kick you square in the nuts.

Enjoy and thank you,

Title : Reloaded
BSP Name : yog3dm2.bsp
Author : John "Yogi" Hughes
Release Date : 23/09/00
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3: Arena / Deathmatch
File size : 1.7 mb

Description : Well, Reloaded came about only because of the release of the Than
Industrial texture set, without that fabulous set this map quite
simply wouldn't exist. So it was all about inspiration. I found
the texture set quite easy to work with, and even though the texture
set would have best suited a waste type themed map; I took the theme
in another direction. A base buried within a rocky mountain was my
approach. The only reason I stuck with this theme was because of how
well the rock texture, IKbase dawn sky and Than industrial all tied in.

Additional Thanks to : My online buddies at Fresh Team for their support, rock on!
id Software for starting the whole show, keep it up guys!
Robert Duffy for both the QERadiant and Q3Radiant editors.
My pals Warren and Chris for their support and advice.
The happy people over on #terrafusion for their help.
My own mum for putting up with me and my lazy spells!
The fab folk over at Telefragged for hosting our site.
The mad people on icq who just LOVE to chat like hell.
Than da man for the kick-ass custom texture set!

Previous work : Quake 2 - Don't Look Down
Quake 2 - Hard As Nails
Quake 2 - Helter Skelter
Quake 3 - Lucid Dream
Quake 2 - Eviction Notice
Quake 2 - GRDM1: Paranoia


* MAP Information *

New Textures : A few of my own and mainly covered in Than Industrial which
can be found at: **invalid URL**
New sounds : Nope

* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Construction Time : About 4 Days to build - 3 month to release the damn thing :)
Build programs : Q3Map, BSPC for generating .aas
Build Time : 1 Hour
Compile machine : P2 233 / 230 mb / GeForce DDR
Editor used : Q3Radiant 197
Other programs : Photoshop 5.5 - Editing the cloud layers
Cool Edit 96 - Editing the custom sounds
Curry 0.3 - Editing the shader script
Q3 Build - Compiles and Generating .aas
Gensurf - Generated real life terrain
Winace - Creating the .pk3 file.

Known Bugs : Noway!

* Copyright / Permissions *

All original and composed textures in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

All original and edited shaders in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels and
MAY use the textures and shaders but give credit where credit is due.

You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in
the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks.
