Title : Outpost 0240
Date : 29th March 2001
Author : Akuma
Email Address : **email removed**
Url: : **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
Description : Q3A Deathmatch map for upto 4 players max.
Best suited to 1v1
Thanks to : id software.
Equim for testing and feedback.
chrisq for having me make this map in the first place.
All the guys on irc.telefragged.com #qeradiant :)
Previous Work : Metal Rocket (Quake1)
Hasty Retreat (Quake3)
Chaos Reigns (Quake3 - Fuguestate Tetrad mappack)
Send comments, criticism whatever to the above mail :)
* Loading the Map *
Rename akuq3dm3.zip to akuq3dm3.pk3, place in your quake3\baseq3 directory
and start quake3. Bring down the console and type: \map akuq3dm3
* Play Information *
Game : Quake 3 Arena
Bot Match : Yes
Deathmatch : Yes
Tourney : Yes
Capture The Flag : No
* MAP Information *
BSP Name : akuq3dm3.bsp
Textures : A few modified Quake3 textures.
* Construction *
Base : New map
New Textures : none
New Shaders : Just the modified jumppad shader
Construction Time : 2 weeks build time. A month or so tweaking.
Editor used : GTKRadiant 1.1TA beta - **invalid URL**
Known Bugs : None.
* Copyright / Permissions *
All original and composed textures in these levels remain
property of the sources respective owners.
All original and edited shaders in these levels remain
property of the sources respective owners.
You may use these levels as a base to build additional
levels and may use the textures and shaders but give credit
where credit is due.
If you wish to include this map on a CD, all I ask is that
you mail me and let me know. Thanks.