The Crucified Colony
Title : The Crucified Colony
Date : 03-25-2001
Filename : map-charon3dm5.pk3
Author : Charon
Email Address : **email removed**
: (best to visit my site and get my current email address)
Website : **invalid URL**

Description : I was working on a Doom2 wad and one of
: the levels I created struck me as a decent
: design for a Quake3 DM level. So, I changed
: a few things and decided to incorporate it
: into Quake3. The is a dark gothic/tech level
: with lots of purple and some mild oranges
: and reds. The gameplay is suited for 2 to 6
: players.

Additional Credits : id software, Normal, and anyone I might have missed

- Play Information -

Players : 2 to 6 - possibly 8 if you want a frag fest
Bots : Yes
Weapons : Rocket Launcher, Railgun, Super Shotgun,
: Lightning Gun


Unzip the the zip file into your quake3\baseq3 directory.
Start quake3 and either select it from your map list or press tilde to enter the console and type:
"/sv_pure 0"
press enter
"/map charon3dm5"

- Construction -

Base : None
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : None
Build Time : 3 days
Textures used : standard q3 textures - dark grayish bricks and
: purplish metal with lots of deep purple highlights
Compile machine : P3/500 overclocked to 559 with 384megs RAM
q3map compile Time : TOTAL - 30 minutes(1817 seconds)
: BSP - 39 seconds
: VIS - 316 seconds
: LIGHT - 1462 seconds
Brushes : 1674

- Copyright / Permissions -
You map not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.
