Special Thx to: crt for RA3 -> **invalid URL**
ID Software -> **invalid URL**
bigOnes for setting up the private forum at the MAHQ!
A big thx to: Chronic Killer, Linus, Sly, DrJohn, ShadowMan, Kabal, C2X.VirusEater, Essobie, [T2K]Elvis,
[LoD]Draco, Geit, [KYA]TheCurse, Syclone, [T2K]Biggy, TechX
and all the others who helped us with the beta test!
-- Play Information --
Game: Q3A
MoD: Rocket Arena III
Installation instruction:
Unzip ra3sgwdw.zip into your Quake3\arena\ directory
** If you would like to play the map follow the instruction below:
Download the ra3 server files at **invalid URL** and
Extract them in your quake3/arena folder.
Go in the arena folder after extracting the files and edit the ra3server.bat file
by adding this command instead
cd ..
start quake3.exe +set fs_game arena +set sv_pure 0 +bot_enable 0 +exec server.cfg
save and close the file
Now open the server.cfg file and at the bottom change the initial map for All The Aces
ex: map ra3sgwdw
Save the file and click on the ra3server.bat file!
-- Construction --
Base : The arenas and Selection room are done from scratch. The pickup map was tweaked a bit for RA3
Editor used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : None
Build Time : 15Hours
Compile machine : PIII 600, 384mb, Creative GForce DDR.
- This map may be distributed in anyway you like, provided you include this
.txt file UNMODIFIED and distribute it for free.
- CD-ROM publishers need the written permission of both authors before they can distribute this level.