Last Fortress
Title : textures from Falling Higher, by Senn
PK3 Name : t8dm6.pk3
Date : May 28, 2000
Author : senn
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**

* Copyright / Permissions *

Images and textures in this .zip file are the property of Senn, and may
only be used if credit is given.

All original and composed textures in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

All original and edited shaders in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

Date: 1st of August 2000.
author: Sock
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**


Instructions for using the Mars Skybox

** You must have installed the Q3 editor tools first **

1. Extract the zip at in the BASEQ3 directory.
The zip file has all the directory structure in
place ready for the above location.

2. Goto the SCRIPTS sub-directory under the BASEQ3
directory and find the following

3. Open this file up in a text editor and add the
following line at the bottom of the file.


4. Close the file and open Q3Radiant and you should
find on the texture menu the MARS subdirectory.

5. Choose the MARS subdirectory and you should find
the sky texture ready for use.

6. If the editor displays 2 textures use the one
called MARS_SKYBOX. The other one is just so
that you have something to remind you of what
you are inserting into your map.

Title : IKBASE textures, 24bit (for Q3A & others)
Date : 7/09/2000
Filename :
(also available as several smaller zips)
Author : Iikka "Fingers" Keranen
(or Keränen if you like em dots better)
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page :
Description : 223 high-res, truecolor textures that can
be used in Q3A or any other game that uses


* Legal Stuff *

These textures, either standalone or as a part of a level, mod or other
product may be freely used and distributed on a non-commercial basis
via electronic media (Internet, FTP, BBS) only. Commercial use, ie.
anything that involves any kind of payment from the user, is prohibited.
The only exception is including levels or mods that use these textures
on a magazine cover CD. This is accepted, given that the level designer
or mod author has also given their permission for the magazine to
include their work.

These textures may also be freely modified by the user, or used as a
base for additional texture artwork. Any modified versions of the
textures remain my property, and the above restrictions still apply.

If you want to use these textures as a part of a commercial product,
a non-exclusive commercial license can be possible.

----This is a texture pack for use with Quake III Arena----

Title : Kiltron Texture Pack 02
Filename : kilt_texpack02.pk3
Date : 6/15/2000

Author : Kiltron
Email Address : **email removed**

Description : Texture Pack for use with Quake III Arena
Special Thanks : id Software, PlanetQuake


1.) Unzip the kilt_texpack02.pk3 file to your quake3/baseq3 folder.
2.) Load up Q3Radiant
3.) Choose /kilt_texpack02 folder from the Textures menu.


This is the second texture pack I've thrown together for you guys
to use with Quake III Arena. This .pk3 contains a wide variety
of textures. They range from Space, Gothic, DOOM, Future Tech & CTF.
Mostly originals, some manipulated id textures, and a few various
remakes. Shader files are included as well.

----Addition Copyright Information----

Please feel free to use these textures to your liking.
The textures contained within are for non-commercial use only.
You cannot use this texture pack for personal profit gaining
or on any cover cd's for magazines, etc. You may distribute
this file via electronic means only, if the kilt_texpack02.txt
and kilt_texpack02.pk3 file is included intact, and unaltered.
Any other use, please contact me.

(Note: id Software is exempt from this copyright information)

----Where To Obtain Our Files----

To obtain your copy of this file, please visit
our website. And drop us some feedback too.

**invalid URL**

If you use these textures, all I ask is that you give credit where
credit is do! :)

TITLE : Last Fortress (Badlands Edition)
FILENAME : map-qfraggel2a.pk3
AUTHOR : Thomas "Q-Fraggel" Creutzenberg
DATE : Februar, 5th 2001
TYPE : FFA (4-12 Players)
Team (now with new itemplacing and location markers)
Thanks to Falc and the guys from **invalid URL**
EMAIL ADDRESS : **email removed**

HOMEPAGE URL : **invalid URL**

ITEMS FFA: 2 shotguns
2 grenade launchers
1 plasmagun
1 lightning gun
1 rocketlauncher
1 railgun
4 armor shards
2 yellow armors
1 red armour
3 MG ammo
3 SG ammo
3 GL ammo
3 PG ammo
4 RL ammo
3 RG ammo
11 small health
5 health
5 large health
1 megahealth
? player respawns
1 haste
1 quad (rocketjump)
1 flight (in a secret, just for fun, leads to many funny encounters)

ITEMS Teamplay: 1 shotguns
1 grenade launchers
1 plasmagun
1 lightning gun
1 rocketlauncher
1 railgun
14 armor shards
1 yellow armors
1 red armour
3 MG ammo
3 SG ammo
3 GL ammo
3 PG ammo
4 RL ammo
3 RG ammo
12 small health
5 health
5 large health
1 megahealth
? player respawns
1 biosiut

SECRETS : Yes, one

NEW TEXTURES : Yes, just 4 original id textures (water, two of the steps, one floor tex) :D
Please check out the credits for texture artists
NEW SOUNDS : Yes (1 atmosphere, 1 pulse and 1 energyfx)


1. Extract "map-qfraggel2a.pk3" into your Q****3/baseq3 directory

2. Select from the skirmish menu or type \map qfraggel2a in the console

3. Have fun!


I like trickjumps a lot. So I always try to include a few in my maps.
With this map, no distance for jumping is set by chance.
So check out where strafe / bunny jumps may be useful :D
Also, every jumppad expect one has AT LEAST TWO useful landing destinations.
Rocketjumps on jumppads are sometimes useful but not always necesarry.

There will be a demo with some of the trickjumps on my homepage the next few days.


When I started building this map I had in mind a big deathmatch map with
some very cool r_speeds (and of course a nice gameflow).
And so, the r_speeds are actually really cool :D !!
With simple items on, cg_drawgun 0 und geometric detail low, r_speeds reaches
its maximum at a point between the MH und the SG looking to the LG.
Here the maximum is 5.100 !! The average r_speeds are about 3.500 !!
With everything on high quality and showing everything the max r_speeds are 6.650!!
So don't expect any laggy spots :D

So this map should run on any system without complications :D
Of course bots slow down the performance and so does the framerate when you play
against lots of them. But nobody should have any problems playing this one at a lan
or the internet :)


Changes in teamplay mode were performed for **invalid URL** for the badlands
competition. New item placing was created with the teamplay guys. Thx!!


Puh, bots are really stupid. Actually I hate them ;)
It took me a whole day to optimise botsupport.
They won't use the quad or the flight. The secrets wouldn't be secrets when the bots
would go for these items ;)


The Kristall Keep : check out my homepage: **invalid URL**,
There are also links to reviews of this map

MAP BASE : Built from scratch
EDITOR(S) USED : Q3Radiant from 1.79 to 2.02
CONSTRUCTION TIME : Now and then over the period of four months

COMPILE MACHINE : Celeron 366 / 160MB RAM
Geforce 32MB SDR

BSP TIME : 70 seconds
VIS TIME : 1207 seconds
LIGHT TIME : 19706 seconds
BSPC TIME : 602 seconds


At first I want to thank all the texture artists/mappers who allowed me to use their
great work (aphabethical order):

Iikka "Fingers" Keränen Homepage :
Email Address : **email removed**
(most of the wall textures)

Kiltron Homepage : **invalid URL**
Email Address : **email removed**
(the hexfloor tex and the according jumppad)

Senn Homepage : **invalid URL**
Email Address : **email removed**
(many textures everywhere)

Sock Homepage : **invalid URL**
Email Address : **email removed**
(the great skybox)

THX to all of you! Without you, this map would perhaps just look like every other
tech themed map! : For getting my map in the competition

id Software : For the game


THX for everything!! To my playtesting crew! (aplphabethical order)


check out the clan/serverpage : **invalid URL** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my of my other friends and everybody I missed!!

Authors MAY NOT use parts of this level or the whole level as a base for other levels.

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission.
If you want to distribute this level you HAVE TO ASK for my permission.

Also check the README.TXTs in the TEXTURES and the ENV DIRECTORIES for the permissions
of the texture artists!!

Copyright 2000 on leveldesign
