Credits go to: : id Software for creating Quake III Arena, Anthony Jacques for making the great Domination Mod
and the pr0nMaster Quake Clan for giving feedback and testing.
* Construction *
Computer : PIII 450 196 Meg RAM
Editor(s) used : Q3radiant 181/199, ShaderEdit, Q3Build for compiling
Build Time : About 2 months on and off
Compile time BSP: 42 sec.
VIS: 733 sec.
Light -extra wide: 3141 sec.
BSPC: 260 sec.
Known Bugs : None that I'm aware off...
I liked Domination for UT the moment I saw and tried it, so I was very pleased to see a Q3A version of Domination. I almost
instantly decided to build a map for this great mod, so here it is. I hope everyone will like it...
I've suplied a .AAS file with this map, although the bots don't seem to know how to play Domination very well, but you
still can play a FFA in this map as well.
1.12 Added some more clipbrushes and Added Rocketlauncher (+ ammo).
1.11 Added small stairs to enable escape from Acid Dump (it didn't seem fair to deny escape).
1.1 Changed the Acid Dump area by making it a bit larger (thus giving more room to move around).
Also added clipbrushes in some areas.
1.0 Created map...
To download the excellent Domination Mod go to **invalid URL**
Check out my homepage at **invalid URL** or the pmqc homepage at **invalid URL**
This map is ©2000 RJL and may only be distributed by electronic means (e.a. Internet or BBS). Please don't copy this map
or parts of it without my permission.