Lost Arena
This level was originally made for quake3stuff competition
quake3stuff.com but senn won it..:-(
Title : Lost Arena
Filename : q3macho3.pk3
Date of Release : august/28/2000
Author : Martin Stevonka as MACHO
Email Address : **email removed**
**email removed**
Address : Martin Stevonka
Slovak republic
Description : small arena for FFA or 1-on-1 play
Other levels by author : I have made some levels for Q and Q2 before
(machodm1,2,6,9 and q1tz)
For Quake III Arena I made:
q3macho1-Blood-bath and q3macho2-Battlefield
You can find my levels on **invalid URL** or **invalid URL** or
**invalid URL**
You can also find me playing Q3A on **invalid URL** as machoSK.
* Play Information *

tourney: 1on1
deathmatch: Small DM, 6 respawn spots
CTF: no
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: no

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3RADIANT 201
Known Bugs : None known
Build Time : about 3 days
Compile machine : Celeron 400, 64 MB RAM
Compile times : about 20-30 min

* Credits *

- id Software

* Copyright / Permissions *

QUAKE III ARENA (R) is registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
q3macho3 is copyright (c) 2000 by Martin Stevonka.

Disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for any damage to your
hardware or software caused by using these files.

If you like this level you could send me e-mail.
