Title : mfgothicdm2
Game : Quake III Arena (v1.17)
Add ons : none required
Mods : none required

Author : TheMic, Dialogue - Michael Fayol
Author Email's : **email removed**
Author Web Site's : **invalid URL**
Feedback : PLEASE SEND IT, via e-mail : )
Release Date : July 21, 2000
Files : mfgothicdm1.pk3, mfgothicdm1.txt
Maps :

* Description *

Gothic Level, Cathedral style, with catacombs beneath the
actual "church".

* Play Instructions *
To play, use the game menu and select skirmish. Select
Free for all (FFA) mode Select Mfgothicdm2.

The default bots for this level are the ID
guys and gals; doom, visor, mynx and sarge.

* Tips *

Keep moving about, for whatever reason the bots don't like to be in one
spot to often (which is a good thing : ). Don't be afraid to take the
time to get your weapon of choice, everything is spread so that you
won't miss out on mnay fraggs.

* Play Information *

Game Modes : FFA 4-8 players
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes, custom textures(mine) and 3d skeleton model from
someone else.
Demos Replaced : None

* Credits *

Everyone at the Forums - For helping a poor sole out
with there experience and knowledge.

Q-Workshop 3 site - for all the tutorials.
SYLUM ENTERTAINMENT LTD. - For all the beta testing and just being supportive in their weird ways : )



Unzip and place mfgothicdm2.pk3 and mfgothicdm2.txt
in baseq3 directory.

* Already Released levels by author *

***** Quake III Arena *****

* Construction *
Base : From scratch
Construction Time : NA
Editor Used : Q3Radiant
* System *
Dell Dimension XPS
PII 450
256 MB Ram

* Compile Data *


* Known Bugs *
You will get a warning about some powerupshit texture. Ignore it, for
some reason it just shows up whenever I create Teleporters.

* Design Philosophy and Discussion *

The idea spawned off of my very unsuccessful mfgothicdm1 level, specifically a small church area with a touch of evil to it. I thought that every large "church"/cathedral need a place to keep the dead and that goes below grounds in the catacombs.

The Level started out with just the main church/altar area and the larger room in the catacombs, but it was way to small, so I added the back rooms and the confessional and the extra catacomb rooms.

I wanted to keep it dark, especially downstairs to try and create an erie feeling. I hope it worked for you all.

Well that's it, happy fraggin'

* Copyright / Permissions *
Feel free to post and play this level. Please do not change
any file associated with this level.
