Lost Forever
Finished: 26 May 2000
Relased: 6 June 2000
Title : Lost Forever
Filename : q3tbdm4.bsp
.zip contents : q3tbdm4.pk3
Author : KODIAK (aka Balazs Torok)
Email Address : **email removed**
Author Homepage : **invalid URL**

Description : Lost Forever is a very fast 1on1 level. You
shouldnt expect the flashy sceenery that was
displayed in q3tbdm3 but the gameplay should
be intense and more balanced than in my
previous map.

Additional Credits to : Predator4 my brother for testing and ideas.
Gergely "immoral" Baross for testing.
Chei for testing
Paul Jaquays for the Q3Radiant Editor Manual.
Q3workshops Tutorials.
ID software for Doom, Q1, Q2 and Q3A.

Special Thanks to : Galahan at The backburner for his help and
ideas and for the space for my homepage
Tigger_On for LvL and the beta section

Beta testers : Ooze, pjw, Galahan, Zetla, Tommy Singh
SiCdeth, Joseph Stalin
Thank you for the comments guys

Previous Relases : tbdm1 - DeathTrap, Q2DM
tbdm2 - Maelstrom, Q2DM
tbdm3 - Iron Fortress, Q2DM
tbdm4 - Maelstrom II, Q2DM
tbra1 - A Knights Test, Q2DM (rail arena)
q3tbdm1 - Airborne, Q3ADM (motw on QIC)
q3tbds1 - Dead Simple, Q3ADM (3rd prize on PureDM)
q3tbdm3 - Pit and the Pendulum, Q3ADM (motw on PQ!)

Comments : Funny name ppl would think... The name of
this map does not mean that you will be lost
forever in the complexity of this map :)
I think ppl shoul be familiar with this level
after only a few games.
I choose this name for another reason:
This is propably my las map for Q3A...
And I have lost something recently that was
precious for me although I just couldnt realise
that at that time. Anyway I feel that what I
have lost is gone forever...

On gameplay and bots : As I have mentioned before I focused mainly on
the gameplay on this map. It is fast. (I got a
headache watching Predator4 and Immoral testing
the map) Bots use the map pretty well. The only
small problem is that they tend to get
disoriented near the Mega Health. First I
assigned my favourite bots for this level
(Uriel and Klesk) but they are not much of a
challenge so I put in two more challenging ones.
Listening to the advice of the beta testers :)
BTW we allways bottest my maps on Nightmare skill
level and against Major who is imho the best bot.
But enough of bots for they do not matter really.
I personally recomend this map for 1on1 play.
I think a 3 or 4 player ffa night be fun as well.
You can use it for 2vs2 for it has the locations
altough I think its a bit small for that.

On the gothic style : The main reason for me statring making maps for
q3 was this gothic style. I know many ppl are
just sick of it. I personally cant get enough
of it :)

On the lighting : Many people were complaining about the use of
lighting in my previous map. And I saw a
review that contained some ugly pictures of
the map...
I made the lighting using a Voodoo III video
card. The lighting effects may change if you
have a different video card or different cfg
On this level I changed the intensity of the
yellow lights. So they do not look so yellow.
Anyway if you have doubts how the level should
look like visit the info page at:
**invalid URL**
If you do not see the same effects that are on
the sreenshots you propably have a .cfg file
that messes up the intensity and/or ambience
of lighting...


* Play Information *

Single Player : Yes (.aas included)
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch 2-4 : Yes (1on1 recommended!!!)
Deathmatch 5-16 : not recomended
DM start points : 5
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
CD Track : 0


* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant build 197
Build Time : 2 weeks + 1 week beta testing at LvL
Compile Time : half an hour (on my Celeron 450Mhz)
Known Bugs : none

visit : **invalid URL**
visit : **invalid URL**
visit : **invalid URL**
For Reviews
visit : **invalid URL**
visit : **invalid URL**
-Airborne **invalid URL**
-Dead Simple **invalid URL**
-Pit&Pend.. **invalid URL**

* Legal stuff *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this BSP (for free), provided you include this
file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any
electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include
this file intact. Unless for Profit then I MUST be contacted and
Asked permission.

Balazs Torok

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
