Title : mfspacedm1
Game : Quake III Arena (v1.16n or better if you want to use botinized ID guys)
Add ons : none required
Mods : none required

Author : TheMic - Mike Fayol
Author Email's : **email removed**
Author Web Site's : Currently Under Construction - **invalid URL**
Feedback : PLEASE SEND IT!!
Release Date : April 12, 2000
Files : mfspacedm1.pk3, mfspacedm1.txt
Maps :

* Description *

Small space level good for fragging with 4-8
players. Under single player (skirmish) mode total 5
players, 4 Bots and yourself. Lots of hidden stuff,
more enjoyable to play against friends.
But that's my opinion with all FPS type games.

* Play Instructions *
To play, use the game menu and select skirmish. Select
Free for all (FFA) mode Select Mfspacedm1.

The default bots for this level are the ID
guys and gals; doom, visor, mynx and sarge. I believe
that you must have v1.16n or better to use this level with the
ID guy bots.

* Tips *
From time to time the bots tend to bunch up in one area,
either the pit or a corner platform. Try not to cheat to much,
it helps gameplay if you add an extra bot with the skill level at
atleast hardcore or higher.

* Play Information *

Game Modes : FFA 4-8 players
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None

* Credits *

Everyone at the Forums - For helping a poor sole out
with there experience and knowledge.

Q-Workshop 3 site - for all the tutorials.
SYLUM ENTERTAINMENT LTD. - for all the crazy ideas thrown my way
and giving me the hardware to do the job right.

AND once again:
Everyone in the editing forums at



Unzip and place mfspacedm1.pk3 and mfspacedm1.txt
in baseq3 directory.

* Soon to be Released levels by author

***** Quake III Arena *****

* Construction *
Base : From scratch
Construction Time : NA
Editor Used : Q3Radiant
* System *
Dell Dimension XPS
PII 450
128 MB Ram

* Compile Data *

* Known Bugs *

* Design Philosophy and Discussion *

This Technically is my third finished level for Q3A. My first level
will never see the light of day outside my own computer, unless I become crazy.
It was just a bunch of tutorials thrown together to make a level.

My second level is MFUNHOLY which I will be releasing within a weeks time. It is
a good level for fraggin, need atleast 6 players to be fun.

MFSPACEDM1 is my third completed level, and to date my best effort. I was in a rut,
working on two different levels at one time and I came upon a space level that was so
simple I said that I had to do a simple space level myself. So one weekend, in the mix
of two projects I decided to create this level. The overall design and game play was
done within' two day. Although it looked rather plain.

For the next week, as my friends at SYLUM Ent. ltd. played with the level, I began to
make it look "prettier" adding lighting effects and more visual pleasing shaders and

This is the final product. I didn't want this to become a 3-5week project, I just wanted
something small and fun to play, and well I believe I achieved that.

As for the layout design. Everyone I know loves any level that has a lot to do with
Jump (launch) pads. So I thought about having an area enclosed where that's all there would
be, nothing but Jump pads. At first I had a room, ceiling and all but it was to confined,
and I like to snipe people from far away, it's the only thing I am good at in FPS games, so
I took the ceiling off and increased the power of the Jump pads so that occasionally heads
would appear out of the "pit" and well if you have the rail gun and good aim, it's sniping

I added the floor around the pit for insult to injury, not only are you now stuck in the pit
jumping around aimlessly, but now someone is standing on top of you and shooting at you.
I realised that after being caught in the pit at one time or another no one would want to
go into and avoid it at all costs, so I made a few Jump pads from the surrounding platforms
MAKE you go into the pit. Now you have no choice in the matter.

As For BFG and Quad Damage item placement, well, I wanted them to be surprises for everyone,
I don't think they are hard to get at all; once you find them that is : )

Well that's it, happy fraggin'

* Copyright / Permissions *
Feel free to post and play this level. Please do not change
any file associated with this level.
