Title : Goldeneye's Complex
Date : 3/14/2000
Filename : complex.pk3
Author : SMKnight (Stephen Klancher)
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : The level "Complex" from Nintendo 64's Goldeneye.
Additional Credits to : CyberBob for umm... testing... or something.
Other Stuff : My site is at **invalid URL**
and is where any future maps I make can be found.
I might do another N64 based level, probably something
from Mario 64. But either way, I look forword to working
on some maps with CyberBob in the near future.
- Play Information -
Players : Original level was for 2-4 players and had 7 start locations.
This is the same but I recommend more like 4-8 players.
Bots : Yes.
Weapons : Rocket Launcher, Rail Gun, Plasma Gun, and of course,
Machine Gun, and Gantlet
Armor : Two body armors, same place as the original level.
Health : No health -there wasn't any in Goldeneye.
Music : None included, but the level will play anthing in the music dir
named Complex.wav
>>>>>>>>TO PLAY THIS MAP<<<<<<<<
Put the complex.pk3 file into your baseq3 directory, and type "\map complex" at
the console.
- Construction -
Base : From scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Additional Tools : MSPaint (if only I had one of those cool gfx programs!)
Known Bugs : Well, the lights don't look as good as I had hoped...
Build Time : Too long, but it's my first map.
Textures used : Base Texture set + custom textures by me.
Compile machine : P2/233 with 32Mb Ram, NVIDIA RIVA 128, running Windows 95
bsp_FullVis(light extra): 45 minutes
- Copyright / Permissions -
You have permission to have fun!
You do not have permission to claim my work is your own.
If you want to see the map file of this level run the following command:
[Quake3 Dir]\Tools\bspc.exe -bsp2map [Quake3 Dir]\baseq3\complex.pk3\maps/complex.bsp
Just make sure, if you make use of it in any way, to notify me and give me some credit.