Can I Take It To The Bridge? (2nd Ed)
by Pax

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Why I released another version:

Some ppl have complained that the map missed the location entities.
I managed to send the .map files to never never land and was to lazy
to find a way of getting those entities in there.

Keltic from **invalid URL** mailed me and told me that a certain
Assembler Maniac <**email removed**> hade made a version of the map with the
locators. You'll find more info on him at **invalid URL** and
**invalid URL**.

Thanks Assembler Maniac for helping me and all the fraggers out there
with this one.

Happy Days

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Title : Can I Take It To The Bridge? (2:nd Ed.)
PK3 Name : mapel4b.pk3 (original mapel4.pk3)
Date : 00/09/30 (original 00/04/04)
Author : Pax (revision by AssemblerManiac)
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL** (not operative)

Installation : To install, simply unzip and place mapel4.pk3 in the baseq3
directory inside your Quake3: Arena installation. Kick up Q3A
and start a ctf multiplayer server. The map should then show
up with the other levelshots.

Additional map info. : The idea behind the map was to make it large and yet dead easy to
learn and play. I always loved McKinley Base (Quake Classic Threewave
ctf) because of its fast gameplay. I found Q3CTF1 had much of the
same thing. Hopefully this map will deliver some of the same stuff but
with the posibility to cram a much larger number of players in there.
As matter of fact you need an absolute minimum of 4+4 to give it justice
but I think the map could hold as much as a 8+8.

Wont-dos : * Actually the middle area should be scaled down a bit to negotiate
with the Q3A engines problem with large outdoor areas.

* The bases exterior should need some more work. The front looks a bit
flat and you can't see any roof or something like that. I was thinking
about building it into a mountain or something but a: I'm lazy,
b: I think it would kill the FPS totally in the middle area.

* Add some more eye candy.

Additional Thanks to : hostile[e0h] - for play testing and general input.
Btbl - general input and encouragement.
10sun - for offering me to do the final compile.
anton[e0h] - for learning me the basics of q3radiant.
Ron Gass - author of Q3build, who sent me a new build
at the speed of light when it wouldn't
install on my system.
lvl - for running a great review and beta map site.
id soft - for making it all happen...

All the tutorial sites out there... you know who you are...

Previous Work : a couple of maps for Q and Q2

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Play Information

Game : Q3A
Bot Match : Yeps, aas file included
Capture The Flag : Yes
Deathmatch : Deathmatch starts: yes, Gameplay: not good

PK3 Information

BSP Name : maps/mapel4b.bsp
Shader Name : scripts/mapel4b.shader
Textures : textures/mapel4/*.*
Models : models/mapobjects/*.*
Levelshots : levelshots/mapel4b.jpg


Base : From scratch
New Textures : Yes, modifications of id's and some of my own
New Shaders : Yes, modifications of id's and some of my own
Construction Time : 2 months
Editor used : Q3Radiant (builds 181 to 197)
Utilities : Q3build
Other utilities : Photoshop
Known Bugs : Middle area to large for the Q3A engine. Doors
visible through walls at long distance.


Q3Map BSP Time : 51 seconds
Q3Map VIS Time : 7 hours, 6 minutes, 2 seconds
Q3Map LIGHT Time : 13 hours, 32 minutes, 9 seconds
Lighting Params : -extra
BSPC AAS Time : 5 minutes, 13 seconds
Compile Computer : AMD K6 II 350mhz, 64 megs of RAM, Win98SE

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All original and composed textures in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

All original and edited shaders in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels and
MAY use the textures and shaders but give credit where credit is due.

You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in
the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks.

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