Final Crossing

Title : "Final Crossing"
Filename : finalc.bsp
Author : Steve Thoma (Beefster)
Thanks to : Matt, Dan, and Troy for play-testing.
Special Thanks to : Id for creating Quake III
e-mail : **email removed**

Play Information

Deathmatch : No
Capture the Flag : Yes (6-10 players)


Editor used : Q3Radient
Known Bugs : Didn't find any



To play this level, extract the file "finalc.pk3" into
your \baseq3 directory of Quake III. Then select finalc
under the capture the flag levels.


Copyright and Permissions

This level may be distributed via any medium (ie: Internet,
BBS, CD-ROM, compilation disk) as long as it maintains the
name finalc.BSP and is supplied in a zip file called finalc.ZIP
that also contains this text document and no other files.
