Title : Nervous Meltdown
File : gsdm2.pk3
Author : GrindSpire
Email Address : **email removed**
URL : **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
Description : A small size 1on1 map, could be used
upto 4 player FFA but it would be
messy! Lots of lava and a lovely
slipgate 'cos I don't like the Quake
3 teleporter model.
Play Information
Tourney : Yes
Deathmatch : Small DM (up to 4 ppl)
CTF : No
Bot File (aas) : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes - Thanks to Peej and Fingers
New Music : No
Installation instructions
Just copy the gsdm2.pk3 into the /baseq3/ directory
in your Quake 3 directory, when you next run Quake 3
the map will be in the skirmish menu
This is my second level and is slightly larger than
the last one, only slightly mind. Please email me any
comments you have, cheers.
Base : Start from scratch
Editor : Q3Radiant by Id Software
Know Bugs : When going into LG room from RL
room, if you look across at the
other staircase there is a very
small HOM effect, doesn't affect
games though and was much worse!
Build Time : About 4 days of spare time + about
2 days to fix the bug (this is why
there is no trim on one set of
Compile Time : 6 minutes, 33 seconds
iD for making an amazing game and editor
All of UKSG for being a great clan
Mad, JuZ, Dino, Sardan and Thor for beta testing
Peej and Fingers for custom textures
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