Kihaku (Intensity)
Title : Kihaku (Intensity)
PK3 Name : t8dm5.pk3
Date : April 17, 2000
Author : Todd 'Mr.CleaN' Rose
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**

Misc. Info : This map is NOT intended to be a factual recreation of a Japanese environment.
It IS intended as a fantasy battle arena with a Japanese influence and theme.

Additional Notes : Taiko drum wav is mixed from clips by the excellent taiko group, Kodo

Thanks to : id Software (of course)
Playtesters (Alcactraz & his gang, Scampie, Wiebo, Killer, Biff, Johnny, and anyone I've forgotten)

* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3
Bot Match : Route Included
Deathmatch : 1on1, 3-6FFA
Capture The Flag : No

* MAP Information *

BSP Name : maps/t8dm5.bsp
Shader Name : scripts/t8dm5.shader
Textures : textures/t8dm5/*
Sounds : sound/t8dm5/*
Extra LIGHT : Yes
VIS level 4 : Yes

* Construction *

Base : New
New Textures : Yes, some modified from id textures, some from art sources, others original
New Shaders : Yes, all based on orignal Q3 shaders
Construction Time : 2 months
Editor used : Q3Radiant (builds 174 to 181)
Qutilities : Q3MAP
Other utilities : BSPC, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro

* Copyright / Permissions *

All original and composed textures in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

All original and edited shaders in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels and
MAY use the textures and shaders but give credit where credit is due.

You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in
the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks.
