The Forgotten Place (Extended)
Date: 10-01-2022
Update: 27-09-2022

Extended version of the Q3DM5 map from the
project by user "REDBULL MATT".

"TOM362" - This is the first edition of the map that, i have done,
among other things, to gain experience in creating,
so there may be errors and mistakes on the map.
title: The Forgotten Place (Extended)
file: DM5PLUS.pk3
author: RedBull Matt (created by Tom362)

Play Information

CTF: no
tourney: yes
deathmatch(FFA): yes
TDM: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
new sounds: yes
new graphics: yes
new music: no


"RedBull Matt" - The originator of the entire map design
"Shtayga" - A few new ideas for the map + some new fixes


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id Software, Inc.
