Hell's Gate - Extended
Hell's Gate - Extended
Game : Quake 3 Arena
Map Title : Hell's Gate - Extended
Map Filenames : 13hell.bsp
Relase Date : 25. April 2022

Author : Stefan Scholz "sst13"
e-Mail : **email removed**
Author Homepage : www.sst13.de

Description : Extended version of q3tourney3 "Hell's Gate"

Player : 4-8
Gametypes : FFA, Tourney, TDM
Botsupport : Yes

New Textures : Yes
New Shaders : Yes
New Sounds : No
New Models : cross (Q3 Model, modified by sst13)
gargoyle2 (Q3 Model, modified by sst13)
statue_klesk_light2 (Q3 Models, modified by sst13)

Editors used : Q3Radiant v2.02 , Q3Map Explorer, q3map2 v2.5.17, q3ASE v1.5.3, NPhernos MD3 Compiler, Milkshape 3D v1.7.8
Compile Machine : Intel core i5 with 8GB RAM
Compile Time : 4min

Credits : id Software, Q3W Editing Forum & all "Bus Station tnucs"
