Wee Bugger
Title : Wee Bugger
Date : 15th January 2005

Author : Rich "swelt" Jacques

Email Address : **email removed**
Website : playmorepromode.com/

Description : Quake 2 themed 1v1 / Small FFA map


- Play Information -
: Make sure you have Quake III point release 1.31 or later.
(**invalid URL**)
: Extract map_nodm15.pk3 from the zip into quake3/baseq3 folder.
: Find or start a dedicated server running the map
: or play vs bots /map nodm15

- Level Information -
Game type : 1v1, ffa
Single Player : Yes
Player load : 1v1, 2-4
Weapons : SG, GL, LG, 2xRL, RG
Stuff : GA, 2xYA, MH, Invis (ffa)

- Construction -
Editors used : GTKRadiant
Utilities used : Q3Map2, Editpad

- Notes -

A new map from scratch built for the levelsource Gameplay competition.
This is the first map I've done with vQ3 in mind, and it's very much with
a competitive 1v1 focus.

The theme of the map is of a Strogg base. The map is divided into 4 areas
with visual style and lighting altered to help the player navigate. Sound
cues are an important consideration, especially the tell tail water splash.

- Credits -
: id Software for Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3
: evillair for his eQ2 texture set, without which this map wouldn't be
: Levelsource for running the compo
**invalid URL**
: Everyone who has given me feedback, esp endi

- Links -

CPMA Homepage playmorepromode.com/
CPMA.org.uk playmorepromode.com/

- Copyright / Permissions -
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of
commercial product without permission from the author. You may
not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means,
including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.
