*** This maps is designed for FFA, Quake 3 ARENA***

Title : toxicmetal
File name : "toxicmetal"
Author : PlayerName : Scorn/or/Unknown (real name : Samuel De Cruz)
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : FFA
* Play Information *

Single Player : Yes
Cooperative : Yes
Deathmatch : Yes
Bots : Yes
* Construction *

Editor(s) used : GTK 1.6
New Textures : Yes
New Model(s) : No
New Sounds : No
New Music: : No
Known Bugs : Hope nahhh
Build Time : Bout 16 hours

This map will take you into a industrial environment where uranium is used to kill virus. ground area is toxic so
be aware of toxic hazards... Try to reach the center of the map to get the quad damage. You can also move around the map while
being on a storage train.

I am a futurist artist, you can see all my 3D work (100% free, no ads) here :
(robots,mutants,bases, spacecrafts,vehicular...)

**invalid URL**
