The Killing Machine for Q3A
May 12, 2018
Title : The Killing Machine for Q3A
Description : remake of the legendary Q2 DM level 'ztn2dm2' by Sten 'ZTN' Uusvali for Quake3:Arena
Filename : obs3dm7.bsp
Author : Obydenniy 'Obsessed' Konstantin
E-mail : **email removed**

* Play Information *

Designed for : Tourney, FFA (up to 5, imho)
Bots : Sure!
New graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
Powerups : Quad damage

IMPORTANT: type "set disable_item_quad 1" to switch the Quad off.

* Credits *

ID Software, Hipshot, Pat Howard, Pawel 'ShadoW' Chrapka, and Matt "Lunaran" Breit for their textures. for some textures. Pat Howard for his sounds.

* Programs *

Q3 Radiant build 202, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Notepad.

I saw The Shib's remake of ztn2dm2, and it made me a bit sad. The Killing Machine was one of my most
favorite levels in Q2, so I decided to make a version that seemed good to me (first of all, the wider one).
Item placement was based on the level's second version, "kmachine", where Sten replaced RG with the RL, and
removed BFG. I placed RG so, to make this area more attractive.

There are botclipped bridges to MH and the second PG, don't be surprised.
This bot pleases me much more than the standard. I highly recommend:
**invalid URL**

Have fun! :)
