Title : Survival
Release number : 1
Date : 30 may 2013
Original release date : 30 may 2013
Filename : ep_survival.pk3
Author : Eraser
Email Address : eraesr [at] gmail [dot] com
Description : Single player map for use with the EntityPlus mod
Mods required : EntityPlus


- Play Information -

This map requires the EntityPlus mod.
Get it at
The map does not play as a traditional single player adventure. Instead, it
offers a wave-combat type of gameplay. Enemies spawn in waves and each wave
has to be fully defeated to advance to the next wave. The goal of the map is
to set a score as high as possible. When the player has lost all five of his
lives, the game ends and the final high score is determined.


- Construction -

Base : From scratch
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant 1.6
Additional Tools : Quake ToolKit, Paint.NET, Audacity, Notepad++
Textures used : All textures in the map are custom textures. See
credits.txt for texture credits.
Models used : Trees, plants, crucified man and angel statues are custom
models not made by the author of ep_survival. See the
respective readme files for information about these models.
Compile machine : Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz with 4GB RAM, running Windows 7


- Change history -

- Initial release.


- Links -

Engines of Creation -
EntityPlus -
Quake3World Forums -

This map is ©2013 by the author and may only be distributed by electronic
means. This map may not be copied as a whole or parts of it without prior
consent by the original author.
