Slipgate (2)
Title : Slipgate
.pk3 Name : nkstrdm7.pk3
Author : Nickster
Month/Year : 11/2008
Email Address : **email removed**
Previous Work : cthdrldm1, nkstrdm1, nkstrdm2, nkstrdm3, nkstrmp1, nkstrdm4, nkstrdm5, nkstrdm6

Description : Medium-sized deathmatch arena with the old Quake 1 base style atmosphere

Game : Quake 3: Arena
Type : DM, TDM, or Tourney (recommmending 4-6 players)
Starting Points : 6
Weapons : all but BFG

Base : None (from scratch)
Total Brushes : 3584
Entities : 202
New Textures : Yes; uses a mix of textures from Rorshach's ( Temple, Singlemalt,
and Broken Soul sets, as well as a wood texture by myself
New Sounds : Yes, I made a quick little song to go with it. Check out **invalid URL** if you like it!
Tools : GtkRadiant 1.5.0, Photoshop CS3, q3map2, q3map2build, ACID Pro 6

Known Bugs : -a funky brush seam on the "window" above the RL; i even tried replacing the brushes but it did nothing :(
-bots don't like to get out of the water with the quad and don't often go for the RG
-if your computer isn't ancient there should be no problem, but this map has quite a few triangles and runs
a little slower than most

Installation : Extract the .pk3 file to the "baseq3" directory and start the game.

If you can't access the map through the menu, bring down the console
(~ key) and type: /map nkstrdm7. To add a bot, press "ESC" and pick the
"ADD BOT" option from the menu.
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You MAY distribute this .ZIP file as long as you E-mail me first
and include all files in the .ZIP file intact.

Hope you enjoy!!!
