Dark Apocalypse
Dark Apocalypse (CATQ3DM03)

Title . Dark Apocalypse
Date . 2-26-2000
Filename . catq3dm03.zip
Author . Sean Walton (Catalyst)
E-Mail . **email removed**
Home Page . **invalid URL**
Description . Quake 3 Arena 6-8 Player FFA DM

- Install and Play Instrutions -

Place the "catq3dm03.pk3" file into your "baseq3" folder. The Map will now show up under the FFA in-game menu selection. To access from the console just type "/map catq3dm03" and play from there.

- Construction Info -

Editor Used . Q3Radient Build 181
Known Bugs . Nope
Build Time . Just Over A Month
Compile Time . 45 min. approx. - Q3Build (Normal BSP & VIS/Light -extrawide)
Compile Machine . P2-350, 64 MB RAM

- Other Stuff -

After releasing 2 space maps for Quake 3 Arena I decide to expand my Quake 3 mapping skills and build a mostly indoor FFA DM map. "Dark Apocalypse" was primarily a learning activity so the construction tends to look plain in some areas, but not to woory because future maps will be more detailed now that I have a stronger grasp of what the engine is capable of.

- Copyright -

As per the usual you map freely distribute this map electronically. You may not include this map in a commercial product without my expressed written approval.
