- File Information -------------------------------------------------------- 06.13.2000 ---
Title : Q3Arenaz
Filename : arenaz.pk3
Author : heXum
Email Address : **email removed**
Web Site : Visit **invalid URL**
Previous Releases : Kothill, The Tower Battleground
Installation : To install, simply unzip and place arenaz.pk3 in your baseq3
directory wherever you installed Quake3: Arena. The map should now
be accessible via the Multiplayer menu or by typing "\map arenaz" at
the console without the quotes.
Acknowledgements : Lunaran/ Pete Parisi for whom I stole textures and the layout for this text from.

- Play Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Player Base : Free-For-All, 1 on 1
Number of Players : Recommended 2 or 6-10

- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Base : New level from scratch
Texture Scheme : LunBase (blue) / Deadmeat
Construction Time : There's no telling...
Prefabs Used : None
Editor(s) used : QERadiant
Notes : I would suggest playing this map with 1 on 1 DM, and picking an arena to play in all the time.. this way.. it's like 4 maps in one. When you get tired of one place you can try another, and the weapons have been placed in each arena that fits them. Players only spawn in the observatory.. the first room. Bots spawn in the arenas so there's not a bunch of machine gun killing in the observatory and you can take your time to select which arena you want to jump into. I try to stray away from total generic maps and make things that are interesting to look at/play. Hopefully this will give some people some enjoyment.
