The Tower Battleground
- File Information -------------------------------------------------------- 06.13.2000 ---
Title : The Tower Battleground
Filename : towers.pk3
Author : heXum
Email Address : **email removed**
Web Site : Visit **invalid URL**
Previous Releases : Kothill
Installation : To install, simply unzip and place towers.pk3 in your baseq3
directory wherever you installed Quake3: Arena. The map should now
be accessible via the Multiplayer menu or by typing "\map towers" at
the console without the quotes.
Acknowledgements : Lunaran for whom I stole textures and the layout for this text from.
Beta Testers : Circle, Stalin, Deviant

- Play Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Player Base : Free-For-All, 1 on 1
Number of Players : 2-6

- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Base : New level from scratch
Texture Scheme : LunBase (blue)
Construction Time : There's no telling...
Prefabs Used : None
Editor(s) used : QERadiant
Known Issues : Bots don't play so well in this. They tend to stick to either the
bridges or the center, and rarely move in between.
