Dead of Winter

Title: Dead of Winter (FFA Version)
BSP name: jaxdm10.bsp
Author: David "Jax_Gator" Cherry
Release date: January 12, 2003
Email addresse: **email removed**
Home page: **invalid URL**
Game: Quake 3 Arena
File size: 1,721 KB

Description: A small sized deathmatch level (2-4 players).

Thanks to: Robert Duffy for GtkRadiant
id for the Quake series
John "Yogi" Hughes for all textures
sock for the skybox
Stecki for the teleporter model


Commander Keen

Previous work : jaxdm1 - (un-released re-make of Q1 House of Chnton)
jaxdm2 - Re-Gib Colesium
jaxdm3 - House of Shannara
jaxdm4 - Burial Grounds
jaxdm5 - Deimos
jaxdm6 - Kiss of Death
jaxdm7 - Stranglehold - FFA
jaxdm8 - Iron and Stone
jaxdm9 - Invalid Transmission
jaxtourney1 - Stranglehold
jaxtourney2 - The Tangled Webs We Weave
bgmp2 - Distant Sands (Burial Grounds map pak map)
lsjgcoop - MaXimus (Cooperative map with Lord Squart)


* MAP Information *

New textures: All textures courtesy John "Yogi" Hughes:
**invalid URL**
Skybox courtesy sock:
**invalid URL**
New sounds: None
New models: Teleporter model courtesy Stecki
**invalid URL**


* Construction *

Base: From scratch
Const. time: About 2 weeks off and on
Compile machine: AMD XP 1900+, 512mb RAM
Compile time: BSP - 2 seconds
VIS - 1 second
LIGHT - 5 minutes 32 seconds (fullvis -light -extra -patchshadows)
Editor used: GtkRadiant v1.2.10
Other programs: Q3 Map Explorer v1.3
Known Bugs: None known. E-mail me if you discover any.


* Distribution / Copyright / Permissions *

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
Any commercial use without permission is prohibited.
Authors MAY NOT decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.


Title: Dead of Winter (Tourney Version)
BSP name: jaxtourney3.bsp
Author: David "Jax_Gator" Cherry
Release date: January 12, 2003
Email addresse: **email removed**
Home page: **invalid URL**
Game: Quake 3 Arena
File size: 1,721 KB

Description: A small sized tournament level (2 players).
Weapon respawn times set to every 15 seconds.

Thanks to: Robert Duffy for GtkRadiant
id for the Quake series
John "Yogi" Hughes for all textures
sock for the skybox
Stecki for the teleporter model


Commander Keen

Previous work : jaxdm1 - (un-released re-make of Q1 House of Chnton)
jaxdm2 - Re-Gib Colesium
jaxdm3 - House of Shannara
jaxdm4 - Burial Grounds
jaxdm5 - Deimos
jaxdm6 - Kiss of Death
jaxdm7 - Stranglehold - FFA
jaxdm8 - Iron and Stone
jaxdm9 - Invalid Transmission
jaxtourney1 - Stranglehold
jaxtourney2 - The Tangled Webs We Weave
bgmp2 - Distant Sands (Burial Grounds map pak map)
lsjgcoop - MaXimus (Cooperative map with Lord Squart)


* MAP Information *

New textures: All textures courtesy John "Yogi" Hughes:
**invalid URL**
Skybox courtesy sock:
**invalid URL**
New sounds: None
New models: Teleporter model courtesy Stecki
**invalid URL**


* Construction *

Base: From scratch
Const. time: About 2 weeks off and on
Compile machine: AMD XP 1900+, 512mb RAM
Compile time: BSP - 2 seconds
VIS - 1 second
LIGHT - 5 minutes 32 seconds (fullvis -light -extra -patchshadows)
Editor used: GtkRadiant v1.2.10
Other programs: Q3 Map Explorer v1.3
Known Bugs: None known. E-mail me if you discover any.


* Distribution / Copyright / Permissions *

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
Any commercial use without permission is prohibited.
Authors MAY NOT decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
