The Bad Ball
by on-X
release date: 14/08/2002
Quake3Arena CTF level

title: The Bad Ball
file: on-xctf1.pk3
author: on-X
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
description: medium sized Q3CTF map
play information

tourney: no
deathmatch: no
team deathmatch: no
CTF: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: yes, textures from :
threethreewave - **invalid URL**
evil lair - **invalid URL**
new music: no

base: my left ball
editor: GTKRadiant - **invalid URL**
other progs: Q3Map 2
know bugs: where is the second one ??
build time: months

thanx (in no paticuliar order) to Calimero,POlux,CHAMPi,
my clan,Torned (a star player),sat,Glu,id,gtk team,Sof,
Dekard,kalte,seb,quake3world & mapcenter forum posters,
everyone who tested the map & all those I forget :/

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2002 on-X
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.
