May 1 2002
title: Cascade Rails
bsp: cascades.bsp
description: Realism Terrain and Structure
FFA or Tourney, 2-8 players
details: structure has basement, 2 stories, attic, and roof
attic is reached from left wing, second floor
secret room -go near chimney in basement
bots start on roof
author: shadowland2000
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
other maps: None
** Special thanks to amethyst7 for the snowy skybox (shadowpeak) **email removed** **
ffa : yes
tourney : yes
team DM : no
ctf : no
Bot File (aas): yes
new graphics: yes
new shaders: yes
new sounds: no
how to play: * place cascades.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
editor: Radiant 202
other programs: none
known bugs: none yet
build time: 6 weeks
compile time: bsp_fullvis = 2 hour 30 min
compile machine: P4 1.7, 640MB RAM, GeForce3 64MB video card
* Thanks to ID software
* Special thanks to amethyst7 for the snowy skybox (shadowpeak) **email removed**
* **invalid URL** -textures
* (Forest Gump) -textures
* **invalid URL** -livingroom furniture prefabs
* GrimReaper's Tree-mapmodels
* Evil Lair's Wall Light
* **invalid URL** -textures
* The 3D Studio -textures
* Hr.O/ID-software -spotlamp models
* **invalid URL** -bathroom models
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions
Copyright shadowland2000
All rights reserved.
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
ANYWAY! Copyrights to this level belong to shadowland2000 and
id software.