Title : Dantesca - Book One
Filename : dantesca.pk3
Author : Quint (Marco Quintavalle)
Email Address : **email removed**
Web Site : **invalid URL**
Installation :
read the Divine Comedy, then unzip and place dantesca.pk3 in your
Quake3 -> baseq3
The map should now be accessible in the Multiplayer menu or by typing in the console:
\map dantesca
There is also a wallpaper in the this .zip
It's the green one... if you want olso the red one you must
download the no-music version too ;)
Play Information ---------------------------------------------------------------
Description : Some of you probably already know that I'm specialized in space maps,
but it's since a while that I wanted to make a gothic non space map.
But not in the classic gothic style, in fact Dantesca is a mix between gothic and art-deco style.
It's a medium sized level inspired to the first book of Dante Alighieri's "Divina Commedia".
The main character is a statue in the main area that represents "Cerberus",
the 3-heads guardian monster of the hell's gates. You can jump inside
him and have some funny railtime, but
pay attention... cerberus has the habbit to close his mounth.And there is another trap (even if you
can't define it a trap) it's a passage for... discover it by yourself!
Player Base : Free-For-All, Tourney, Team
Number of Players : 2-6
Best Player Load : 4
New textures : yes, the most are made by me, few other
by Lord Manson, and other by ID.
New shaders : Yes, made by me.
New skybox : Yes, made by me.
New music : Yes, made by Brad.Technical optimization (hinting, clipping, clusters) by Arshish
Base : New level from scratch
Construction Time : 45 days brushing, 25 days for beta test and optimization.
Programs used : Q3Radiant202, Q3build, Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop, Q3Ase, my brain.
Compile time: 60 minutes
Credits ----------------------------------------------------------
The first big thanks goes to my friend Arshish, that have spent
one week (without sleeping, eating, fu....) for hinting, clipping
and all that technical things that make a map faster and playable on all the comps!
Geat job Arshy!!!
Here is a list of all the guys that gave me at least one feedback:
Whiskey 7Cardiganpjw
BloodNECROSIS^^Ch@os^^20 20
Lord Mason : wonderfull texture artistBrad : very talented sound designer
available for making music for your maps
contact him at: **email removed**
Dante Alighieri : The best creative man that human beings have
ever known.
Doré : An important illustrator who made incredible
drawings for a past edition of "Divina Commedia".
The guys at Burial-Grounds : for their usefull beta test and for encouragement
The guys at Q3W forum : for feedback.
The guys at QuakeItalia forum : too sweet!
My friends here at office, thx for be so patient!
Id : for Quake3
My mother for have compiled me! Nice brush work mammy!
Copyright / Permissions---------------------------------------------------------
Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels
without previous Quint's permission.
Authors may use the included custom textures & shaders provided they give note of such in an attached readme.
You MAY distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any
electronic means, provided you leave the contents unaltered and
include this text file, also unaltered. This file may not
be commercially exploited in any way.