I n f o r m a t i o n
So here it is, my first map with this thing called "gameplay" :D
It's a small tourney-map in a grey / blue tech style. In the "with music version" there is also included a 3minutes long soundtrack by giL/MentalX (thx *g*)
There are two floors wich are connectet with teleporters, stairs and elevators. The layout is a bit hard to explain, so go and see yourself :)
Hafe Fun !

I n s t a l l a t i o n
Make sure you have the Quake III: Arena point release installed. For more information, visit **invalid URL**
Unzip the pk3 file in your baseq3 folder.
Run Quake III Arena and select Single player then Skirmish. The map should appear somewhere on the list, usually at the end.

S t a t i s t i c s
base from scratch
editors used q3radiant 2.00; photoshp 6.0
known bugs bots wont use the elevator
textures see credits
build time aprox. 4 months
Pc: AMD Duron @ 750mhz, 256MB, 3dfx Voodoo3, Win2k
q3map BSP time 1min
q3map Vis time 13min
q3map Light time 3min
bspc time 2min

B r u s h e s
quantity name
1507 worldspawn brushes
8 brushes in entities
307 brushes with mixed texture faces
220 texture entity brushes
1295 total brushes without texture entity brushes
1295 visible brushes
1515 total brushes

P a t c h e s
quantity name
26 worldspawn patches
0 patches in entities
0 texture entity patches
26 visible patches
26 total patches
E n t i t i e s
quantity name
1 weapon_grenadelauncher
1 weapon_lightning
1 weapon_plasmagun
1 weapon_railgun
1 weapon_rocketlauncher
1 weapon_shotgun
2 ammo_bullets
1 ammo_cells
1 ammo_grenades
1 ammo_lightning
1 ammo_rockets
1 ammo_shells
1 item_armor_yellow
1 item_armor_red
9 item_armor_shard
3 item_health
1 item_health_large
1 item_health_mega
9 item_health_small
7 info_player_deathmatch
11 info_null
1 func_button
1 func_door
236 light
3 misc_model
4 target_position
9 target_speaker
4 trigger_teleport

Q3MapStat Version 0.3
Copyright (c) 2001 by GomJabbar from kernzerfall.de

C r e d i t s
giL/MentalX for the music
evil lair for some textures
?¿? for some textures (I forgot where I've get them from :( )
reservoirDog for some sounds
[sk-slinger]u for beta testings / item placement
Forlani for beta testings / item placement
Cyrus for beta testing
Tymo for beta testing
pq.de editing forum thx for all the help !

D i s t r i b u t i o n / C o p y r i g h t / P e r m i s s i o n s
Copyright (c) 2001 -cha0s- (dominic szablewski) **email removed** All rights reserved.
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This map may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, must include this .txt/.html file, and may not be modified in any way.
Under no circumstances is this level to be distributed on cd-ROM without prior written permission.
