Orbital Rampage

Date: 28th of August, 2001.

Quake3Arena Map pack.


title: Orbital Rampage

size: 5,398 kb

file: Hctf3.pk3
author: Tony R. Hightower
location: Greenville, South Carolina USA
Quake name: }{ammer
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**

description: Map: Hctf3 (Orbital Rampage)

overview: Space CTF map for Quake 3

Special Credits: "Sock" gets credit for that
beautiful sky texture you see!!!
It is so Sweet, I new I had
to use it soon as I seen it!

"Evil4" gets Credit for those
sweet tech textures you see,
I barely used a fraction
of what is available in the set
of textures. Very Nice indeed!!

Both of these artist and other
works can be found at...
**invalid URL**

And Finally a Big huge shot goes out
to Terryhell and there servers they run.
I came across this group when I found one
of my maps being played there. It is absolutley
one nice server, with some very cool people.
Everything there is first class!! You can visit
there website at...

**invalid URL**

play information

skills 0,1,2,3: Yes
Deathmatch: no
Tourney: no
Team: no
CTF: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: yes
new music: no

how to play Place Hctf3.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena, start skirmish
and select map from the available
maps. Or bring down console
and type "map Hctf3"


I love to edit, I edited several Q2 maps.
Most never made it to the net, especially my best
one. It still sits here on my HD, it never recieved
the recognition it deserved. :)
Any Mod Authors are welcome to use my maps. Just include
this readme. And give me the credit I deserve.


base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 2.02 by Id Software
known bugs: none
machine: Athlon 1.2Ghz, 256megs PC2100 DDR memory, Geforce 3

build time: A week

thanx to ...

Liu4L1fe: He always beta test's my maps with me, and has started proof
reading my text for errors. LOL!

Xaero, Anarki, Doom, and the other bots: I watched them for long periods of
time, trying to get the gameplay down just right. :)

}{ammer: Me...I worked hard

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2001, Tony R. Hightower / }{ammer
All rights reserved.

Anyone who whises to use my maps in a mod,
please do so. Just give me credit. And include this

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN

