Title : Shinning Forces
Filename : crewctf.PK3
Author : Ryan "Crewmaac" Villegas
Email Address : **email removed**
Homepage : **invalid URL** **invalid URL**
Description : Full Quake III CTF and/or Team Arena Level
* Play Information *
Game : Quake III Arena CTF and/or Quake III: Team Arena
Map Name : crewctf
Bot play : Yes
Deathmatch 2-10 : No
Capture the Flag : Yes
One Flag CTF : Yes
Obelisk : Yes
Harvester : Yes
* Construction *
Program : GtkRadiant v1.1
Base : Scratch
Original Construction time : 3 weeks
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
This map or any part of it may *NOT* be distributed over any
medium at this time, or anytime in the future, for profit in
any form of currency, credit, or rocks and pebbles
(depending on your culture).
This compiled .bsp may *NOT* be decompiled or reverse
engineered for any purpose whatsoever.
* Etc *
Big Thanks to Scandcode and Slash
for helping me make a better map.
I would also like to thank Casey for
giving me the opportunity to be in
such a great pak.