Over/Under is quite a bit bigger than MaxChaos (which was really kind of a test level) and has a few surprises.
I will eventually be making a "remake" (remix?) of Maximum Chaos, addressing everyone's (except Peej) concerns.
It will be a different level, instead of a "new version" of MaxChaos, so look out for it.
Do yerself a favor and grab this sleeper gem.
That's the "big thing" for me.
Universally, the centiment has been "it's too small".
After going back and playing it again (I haven't played it in a few weeks), I'd have to agree.
My next map is much bigger. Not to say it's some HUGE sprawling level, just that it's bigger and addresses a lot of the concerns of MaxChaos.
Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming.
(BTW, Fued w/Peej=ended, you may now return to your regularly-scheduled programming).
i havent seen the map so i
probley shouldnt comment.. but for a first time mapper.. it looks pretty good..
but i really need to finish the map i started so you people can bitch about it :)
i would say that your map shows promise. as you say (and i now know which i didn't before), it's your first map, and as such is a lot better than a lot of the drivel we see on appearing. you still need a lot of practice at mapping, and it shows, all i can say is practice.
And everyone's entitled to their opinion.
I mean...
I personally think your level LOOKS nice, but doesn't FLOW for shit.
But that's MY OPINION.
Considering it's my first effort, and that you're the ONLY one that thinks it SUCKS... I'm cool with that.