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I agree that its narrow. Not sure if it overly impacts gameplay, but there are times when you encounter an enemy while holding a rocket launcher and firing one off does feel like a problem solving exercise.
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Nice design but it is too narrow for decent gameplay.
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Impressive map.
Edited: 18 Jul 2012 AEST
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This map is a real contender and has some wonderful features. Placement of the RG at the bottom of the map in water and near the Quad (tucked in a wall recess) which without the RL will have to be reached from higher up is fantastic. This area can go either way - rail the player going for the quad or quad the player going for the rail. also nice is the RA with a drop onto a teleporter that will take you right back behind the person chasing you on the way to it.
Edited 3984.89 days after the original posting.
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There is no missing textures if you run the map in Cpma.
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#4 09 Aug 2005
i love this map! the nifty little halls near Quad Damage keeps you on your toes.
Hint: go into spectate and fly up to the sky and check the awesome landscape. Brilliant imagination!
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#3 23 Apr 2005
I'll have to send tig an updated version as soon as it's uploaded.
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Kaziganthe, yes, you are right, looks like a light texture. It's kind of weird looking at that corners with the "texture missing" placeholder...
Nevertheless, a great map, with a LOT of claustrophobia..
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#1 21 Apr 2005
Arg! Is it a light texture perchance? >:E
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