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#23 26 Mar 2013
That's funny Rebmarine :) I can see your friends face swollen with laughter.Nothing like a good laugh to make you feel alive :)
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I have a friend who is Jamaican who heard me saying it and he was LHAO. Told me what it meant first but I was lukcy the people nearby had no clue what the word meant XD
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#21 27 Jan 2013
LOL it took a few years before the name became a talking point :) Just my sense of humor as I was listening to Peter Tosh as well as watched Stepping Razor: Red X where Tosh rekons he was sort of paralyzed be ghosts so he screamed out Bumboklaat to drive away the duppies. I used to scream it at my pc as compile time was long on my old rig back then :)
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@Tig: Haha! No but I do understand. Well someone did tell me it was a bad word so I did believe it. Btw Tig I sent you an Email.
@themuffinator: Well another comes along.. You was left right..?!
Edited: 13 Sep 2012 AEST
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Are you Jamaican FragTastic? Even so, a word which simply means "Jamaican men are scared of menstruating women" (well, not quite but close to that) is IMHO something to laugh at.
BTW, you are meant to shout "move you bumbo klaat" to a vampire if you ever meet one. Apparently it will scare them off :]
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@themuffinator: ABSOLUTELY!! >:O How anyone could name a map anything so....so... UNCLEAN IS BEYOND ME!
Update: oops
Edited: 12 Sep 2012 AEST
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Oh ffs... someone's offended again. Is 'toilet paper' really so offensive?
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The map name is actually quite offensive and I understand what it means so I will not mention the meaning of it since I might get banned or warned.
Edited: 12 Sep 2012 AEST
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This map looks as if it takes place directly in hell. If it is, then GREAT ATMOSPHERE!
Only problem is-how on Earth do you get the BFG?!
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nice map, but the skeletons are kind of failish. :P :P :P Where did u get those skeleton models from?
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#13 20 Jul 2010
HOW DO YOU GET BFG IN THE BLUE CAGE IN SCREENSHOT ALIVE?! Bots come in and out in a breeze. But when I tried to do it the same way, I got killed automatically. THAT isn't * fair!! Would you like fried oversized head with that?
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#12 12 Nov 2008
Yes it is a bit tricky to hit the right spot all the time as the entry is surrounded by the teleport :p
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#11 03 Oct 2008
Well, I didn't play this map for several months. I finally stumbled upon the BFG, but the "Rocket Jump" trick doesn't work all the time. I usually get teleported.
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#10 30 Sep 2008
Your not still playimg the map after all this time are you? Thanks for taking the time to hunt for it :)
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#9 28 Sep 2008
I forgot to say: I finally got the BFG some time ago.
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#8 08 Dec 2007
OK well to spectate just hit esc key then start then join then spec.Now you can fly around the map or by hitting your fire button you can travel with a bot.To Rocket Jump just point your launcher at the ground and jump as you fire and as long as you got enough health you will be sent high in the air.Hope that helps you a bit m8 :p
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#7 25 Nov 2007
Sorry, but...I know how to make a Rocket Jump, I don't know how to be into spectator mode. You have to figure out that I'm not into CPMA, strafe jumping, Bunny Hopping and stuff...It's very frustrating seeing bots getting easily the BFG all the time while even when whiping out bots you can't find it. I like riddles...except when it's too harsh for my poor mind :-).
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#6 20 Aug 2007
Didn't think anyone played this map anymore so thanks for the feedback Cendres.I guess I was in a mean spirited mood with my deathtraps what can I say lol.There is a bfg you can get in this map and it is not the one in the cage.That was just put there for the bots as they could never get the "real" one.If you have not found it yet I will help you.Go into spectator mode and fly through the fog.Once you know where it is you are just a rocket jump away from it.Nice to know you are having some fun with it and thanks for the feedback.
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Well...on one hand, I love this level. On the other hand, I hated it at the beginning...
When I played it thr first time, it gave:
Got the BFG? --> Crushed! with no reason...
Touched the sword surrounded by flames? --> Crushed! with no reason...
Jumped a little bit too far? --> Melted in the Death Mist, all around the map.
Man...all these traps...was'nt it difficult enough, making your way fighting opponents in such a superb and huge map, that you had to add these traps? Not really in the "Quake 3 trend", for me...
Buuut...as I went familiar enough with the map, I started to love it. And I Think it's a masterpiece, event if, for my own taste, crossing through the map and the traps is a little bit too harsh.
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#4 27 Feb 2005
Great to hear you enjoy the map me!Sounds like you got a decent rig with 12 bots your going well.I enjoy experimenting with different style maps and at the moment i am porting and rebuilding the first level from return to castle wolfenstein.If you ever wanted to reach the top towers you will when i'm finished.I was standing on the top tower a minute ago railing the bots.Oh and of course the bfg will make a secret arrival lol.Thank's for the feedback me!Now it's back to work on the map.cya
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#3 25 Feb 2005
to me! level plays fine on geforce 5900fx with 12 bots, me! likes this crazy ass strange level!!! long live death!! nice work ROODOG !!!
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#2 12 Feb 2005
One last thing for anyone having trouble finding the bfg(not the one in the trap)i think i hid it 2 well with no clues.Go in spectator mode and look around and you will find it.That is the best way to find anything in a quake3 map as you can explore everywhere and not die.Hope that helps
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#1 12 Feb 2005
Thank's for your comments Alexiovecterion as i did have fun making this map.It took quite a few compiles to get all the ramp distance and item placement in the correct spot so it had it's challenges.I still enjoy playing this map although i made it long ago.In fact i had a online game last night with 2 others and it was a blast!Just so peeps if it will run on their system i compiled the map on a athlonxp2100+ with 128 mb nvidia with 512 memory and things ran good for me.I now run a 3gig pentium with same and i don't have a problem rendering anything 4 sure!I know this map will not suit everyone but the gameplay is fast and you get lots of air!As you said the bots give you a good game and will lucy and patriot will even camp on the high tower.That's enough dribble from me and i'm happy you had a bit of fun as that is what it is all about!
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