Only possible gripe may be the amount of teleporters. IMO, those could probably have been removed completely to "calm down" the more frenetic TP-hopping the bots do.
Update: Hehe... since the source is available I removed the 3 TPs, added to 2 JPs instead, removed one RL and the GL, added the RG and PG, built a bridge to the RA, and did a few other things to help the bots, the map now really plays awesomely...
Edited: 22 Aug 2009 AEST
BTW, I'm playing vanilla Quake Arena.
Also bots play it well (it's not that hard anyways, the map can't be easier to navigate).
Talking of which, reasonable if not outstanding. There was nothing I found particularly wrong with it, it just didn't really appeal.