NBDM5 - Ouange - Grostarin DM4
NBDM5 - Ouange - Grostarin DM4 by Grostarin

A small, extremely fast paced Tourney map designed for play with CPMA. A decent layout with a good amount of vertical play and numerous double jump opportunities. These combine to give this map a very high level of connectivity and speed. Item placement is somewhat problematic; it is quite easy to dominate the map because the two main armours (yellow) are very close together via adjacent teleporters. Even without the teleporters you can sweep YA-MH-YA in pretty quick succession. The Lightning Gun is placed rather precariously on a lowered platform that hovers over a deep lava pit in the central atrium of the map. Weapon knockback and splash damage really come into effect in this area, grabbing the Lightning Gun is a dangerous proposition if you are unsure of your opponents location. There is a player spawn directly on top of the MegaHealth which adds a degree of randomness/luck to play and keeps the player in control of the map on their toes.

Architecture is rather simplistic and blocky, and some of the walls are very thin. The author has used a peculiar blend of the standard Gothic ctf trim textures - one side of the map red, one side blue. Lighting is mostly adequate, but there are a few dark patches present. Bots seem to navigate the map fairly well and for the most part avoid both lava pits.

Definitely worth a look if CPMA Tourney is your bag.

Reviewed by Reservoir DoG

Ranked: 3.9 out of 5 (18 votes)

Download: NBDM5 - Ouange - Grostarin DM4 by Grostarin
