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I find this map too tight. Lacks great places for decent fighting (unlike the other map of the author). Plus those powerups feel totally unnecessary.
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Auhsan, I'm actually a big fan of you. Your maps are amazing and a lot of hard work has been put into this. Textures are brilliantly brushed and look wonderful with the lightng. Gameplay is jut perfect and I could play it all day :D. 9.5/10
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This is a good map to have as the featured release...I love it =>
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#19 06 Feb 2001
Rezzi :
as you can read in the txt:
build time: about 2 months + 1 week of testings
This doesnt means that u need 2 months to make this map, I suposse that almost all medium sized maps can be made in 2/3 weeks, but lazziness is lazziness :)
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#18 05 Feb 2001
I want to ask how long did it take to make the map like this ???
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fluffy terminator
#17 27 Jan 2001
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Ping Floyd
#16 14 Jan 2001
Great map,silky smooth and lean. Got my highest fps so far in a hallway corner here. Very slick gameplay,even on lower end.
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not entered
#15 19 Dec 2000
love it to frags
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not entered
#14 08 Dec 2000
This is an excellent level but, in my opinion at least, his other map (auh3dm1) blows this one away.
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#13 28 Nov 2000
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Top Cat =^..^=
#12 22 Sep 2000
This maps rocks! A must have...
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#11 19 Aug 2000
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#10 18 Aug 2000
Nice map. Nice eye-candy. Nice layout. Fun Fraggin!
Way to go!
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#9 16 Aug 2000
Aestetics: 8
Gameplay: 8
Telep. Skull: -16
Over All: 0
Fuc... GREAT job, Keep it this way!
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#8 15 Aug 2000
holy schmack!
It is gorgeous, and a blast to play!
Way to go, Auhsan!
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#7 14 Aug 2000
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#6 13 Aug 2000
Well, although I do like the tech maps of Q2 more than Q3 (Brown and green all the way baby!) I must say that this was one of the few tech maps I really like. Gameplay was very cool, and the map looks nice as well. Also, the bots played better than normal, which is nice because most custom maps are played against bots simply because finding a server that runs custom maps is near impossible. I look forward to the next map by auhsan, any chance of doing it in brown and green though? :P
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#5 13 Aug 2000
Thanks to everybody
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#4 13 Aug 2000
now I gotta admit that THIS is exactly what I like in a quake 3 map.
If I was to remove all of the detail and play the map it would still be quite fun!
the game play comes first on this bad boy and I like that very much.
Now as far as I can see with the detail he did put into this map is Great
when some one can make a little look like a hell of a lot thats when they got True skills
And this map shows it.
the theme of the level is great it flows all the way through perfectly. No complaints here from me
Of corse it got a good review cuz of the fantastic detail how ever I feel that if the detail was just a slight bit less then we would be hearing a HELL of a lot more complaints about the "POWER UP MAD" lay out.
Nice work man
You saved your ass with the good detail other wise the Lay out would have suffered badly!
Take your freakin 9 and like it.
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Johnny Law
#3 12 Aug 2000
Outstanding job of using mostly default textures to create a look that is both original and still coherent. The brushwork is nicely chunky and angular -- it's a fun space to bounce around in. My only complaint about the visuals, and it's pretty minor, is the teleporters. There are two different "looks" for the teleporters (the big one vs. the small ones) even though they all behave the same way, which seems wrong, and also the big teleporter uses a jumppad texture. Other than that, very good indeed.
Its size and complexity together may put this one just out of bounds for duelling, but for small FFA it's excellent, both with bots and with people. All sortsa fun. Get it!
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#2 12 Aug 2000
Makes a nice change from the Gothic design, nice to see some originality.
Two RLs are good, although a haste is a it of a bad idea in tourney games.
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#1 12 Aug 2000
This was good fun! 9 points outa ten from me.
It certainly is a DM level, it's a little big for a tourney anyways imh(umble)o. The presence of two RLs helps to make sure there are enough weapons to go around in a bigger FFA. Originally I thought the haste was accesible only via a rocketjump, whiche would be fine, but then I discovered the jumping down from above method. This turned out to be good, as it let the bots get the haste too. (They don't rj much, certainly not in this case).
Good looking, and a few fun frags, everything well placed!
Keep on mapping!
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