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Visually attractive, super fun to play, even with bots (although they never reach for the mega). Great for a 1v1 against a human.
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Zod Rep. 202
#8 23 Nov 2013
Se agradecen los estos mapas que resaltan los colores y tienen formas modernas. Muchas gracias por este magnÃfico mapa :D
Edited 22 seconds after the original posting.
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#6 28 Jun 2010
Thanks for the comments =) I like that YOU like my map.
For the bot thing: I tried everything to get the bots playing properly. But somehow those clips I placed in a seperate bot map couldn't help.
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#5 15 Jun 2010
What kind of sexy? the kind regarding awesome or just pornography?
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I guess i'm gonna try and answer the "sexy" question. short answer: awesome; but i dont think pornography is necessarily sexy nor is awesome. an awesome map blows you away, mainly with its gameplay - and i guess this 1 doesn't. When you think of a great game i don't think this map possesses those qualities that make it stand out for its gameplay. What people mean when they refer to something as being sexy is its looks... it's good-looking and visually appealing and in terms of its appearance is well put together and attractive as distinct from say a solid map or a clunky map. Then there is the way it moves, or the way a player moves on the map. It has a sexy sense of movement about it. But the sexiness suriel derives from this is non-functional. You don't really see it in the gameplay as much as in general movement around the map. In this way its sexiness is about pleasure over function in the same way that most people are endowed with sexual function (anatomically speaking) but sex for pleasure does not always have reproduction as a goal in mind. So it is a sexy map to be in if you think of its attractiveness in terms of form and looks but is lacking in some of the substance of a truly playable map.
Edited: 26 Jul 2010 AEST
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hey igrek!!! suriel is sexy. not only do i like the fact that u can see sexiness in a map but also u know what maps r sexy
Edited: 25 Jul 2010 AEST
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I love the style, Suriel is so sexy ! Just a thing : bots are having great problems with borders of the plateforms, what a pity !
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Tig thanks for posting screenshots that related to the review.
and i have played this in warsow now and it rocks. open up the glass roof above the red armour and repack some of the textures so they are warsow friendly and this would rock!
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