The architecture is beautiful and he has managed to cram a real variety of different areas to fight in. I was actually stunned when I came across the room with the RL, it has a real sense of scale to it. There are all these cool holes and jump pads too that are nice and big so it's easy to navigate. Visually I also really like the weapon spawns, they add a little touch of class.
Bots play it well, personally I would recomend a couple more than come as standard as with the default amount you can sometimes find yourself alone for awhile, but the bots do go everywhere in the map that's for sure. If anything I found the bots slightly hovered more near the plasma gun than the rocket launcher room.
When playing it I liked the way that whenever you spawn you are usually out of the way or it is easy to duck into cover. I particularly enjoyed fighting in the larger rooms too, nice sense of a grand battle.
Will definitely be checking out other maps by the author.
It's very special.