Heartburn by [MNKY]AkaokA
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#20   08 Jul 2011
Monster was cool.
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gooball Rep. 1091
#19   07 Jul 2011
Pretty Cool!
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Q unregistered
#18   24 Jul 2010
What kind of monster is this? And why is there a jump paad sending you into its mouth?
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Pheronis unregistered
#17   28 Feb 2002
Gameplay gets repetitive after a while, but good for a quick round of deathmatch. And nice job on the tusks.
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not entered unregistered
#16   06 Apr 2001
But even if they are the same person they couldn't have abused the voting because lvl only lets the same person vote once in a week and then they can only vote a total of 3 times

and as we can see this person posted all on one day

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not entered unregistered
#15   31 Mar 2001
apparently no name, weee, hindu and ??? are all the same person.....
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Scampie unregistered
#14   30 Mar 2001
er... someone has obviously abused the voting + comment system to pimp their POS box map. Just look at the id#s...
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Featured Ripper unregistered
#13   06 Mar 2001
Save the elephants
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no name unregistered
#12   01 Mar 2001
Great map
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weeeeeeeee unregistered
#11   01 Mar 2001
those tusks look very COOl
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hindu unregistered
#10   01 Mar 2001
COOL tusks
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??? unregistered
#9   01 Mar 2001
I would like to see more maps like this with tusks.
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Black Sphinx unregistered
#8   26 Feb 2001
Good, but crappy weapons.
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cobra unregistered
#7   24 Feb 2001
we all liked this map on our weekly lan afternoon so go get it now
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not entered unregistered
#6   24 Feb 2001
How about you get a better attitude.
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Oh my god.. unregistered
#5   24 Feb 2001
what is this repulsive thingy supposed to be? go get some sense of style and try again..
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Snake unregistered
#4   22 Feb 2001
I agree that some items are badly placed, but overall an exellent effort and great first map! I especially like the tusks.
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[MNKY]AkaokA unregistered
#3   20 Feb 2001
hey, thanks bud!

keep those comments coming!

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not entered unregistered
#2   20 Feb 2001
the map picture looks kinda crusty tho...but nonetheless... i played the map and its wicked... pretty good...
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not entered unregistered
#1   20 Feb 2001
pretty good.
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